Chapter 4

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Alice's P.O.V.

Soon enough it was time for the press conference. I was freaking out just thinking about it. "Don't worry, you'll be alright." Sergio smiled reassuring me.

I gave him a weak one back and stepped into the room behind Zidane.

The room was full of cameras and people. They all looked very scary to me but I kept my cool. We took our seats, I was in the middle with Zidane on my left and Sergio on my right. Zidane started speaking welcoming everyone and thanking them for being there. He then started picking people to ask questions.

"How did you find out that you were chosen?" Asked a middle-aged, smart-looking blonde woman.

"Well if I'm being honest, I found out about it when I was in the car on my way to the mansion. Pretty sure that it was recorded and the whole thing will probably be aired as the first episode."

Everyone looked shocked after hearing that. "How were you selected?" A man who looked to be in his early forties asked.

"Through a series of web interviews that I was not even aware of."

A young brunette was next, "How do you feel about living in a house full of men?"

I smiled a little, "Well, at first I was a little skeptical about the idea but when I met the guys, all the doubts went away. They are very genuine, nice and fun so staying with them is wonderful."

Zidane then picked a guy who looked quite old and mean to be honest, "Why did you take the job when you didn't even know what it was?"

At first, I was unsure about how to answer his question but I went with the truth, "My friend Mike was the one who thought that I was the person for this job. We've known each other for years now and he trusts me. So when I told him that I wanted to move to Spain, he said he would find the perfect job for me and since I've known him for a long time, I trusted him with the task and as you can see, he did find the most perfect job for me." I answered the man smiling.

Now a young brown-haired man asked a question that had me grinning, "What are you looking most forward to with Real Madrid?"

"If I'm being honest, everything! Real Madrid has always been my favourite ever since I started watching football. This is my dream club. I've always dreamed of the day when I would see the Santiago Bernabeu or when I would get to meet the team. Now that it seems as if all my dreams are coming true, I'm more excited than ever for everything. The training sessions, the matches, the travelling, literally everything."

"What are your hopes for this series?" asked another young man.

"I hope that this series will bring the Madridistas closer to the team and to club that they love and adore so much. This will bring them closer to the players and they'll get to see what goes on behind the scenes in a footballers life. They'll get to see the guys' struggles, hardships, passion and their devotion to football and Real Madrid. This series will make everyone fall in love with Real Madrid all over again."

I looked at Zidane and Sergio after saying this and they looked proud. The press asked them both some questions and soon we were going out of the room.

As soon as the door closed behind us, Sergio picked me up and spun me around, "You were so good in there! I'm proud of you!" I laughed and thanked him as he put me down.

"You did good kid," Zidane said patting me on the back as he went off somewhere. Sergio and I decided to find the others.

We found them on the pitch just messing around and having fun. Since there was nothing else to do we all decided to head back to the mansion and have a movie day and night.

We all had a week before pre-season kicked off so we were allowed to do whatever we wanted but the camera crew was still going to be with us, just recording the whole thing along the way.

Isco, Alvaro and I were in charge of food shopping so all three of us pilled in Isco's car and headed off to a supermarket. We blasted music in full volume and sang along till we got there.

All three of us had our shades on as we walked in and since it was afternoon, the whole store was empty.

Seeing that we grinned at each other mischievously, all thinking the same thing. Alvaro grabbed a cart and soon enough, I was sitting inside the cart and Alvaro was pushing the cart, chasing after Isco who was running for his life in the supermarket.

"Turn right Alvaro! He is there!" I yelled as Alvaro pushed the cart even faster. Isco screamed before running away again. He was so busy looking back at us that he didn't see the girl that was standing in the middle of the aisle and before we could warn him, he collided with her and they both fell down. Alvaro slowed down and slowly wheeled the cart over to both of them.

"Are you okay?" Alvaro asked the girl as he helped her up. The girl just laughed, "Except from being tackled down hard by a huge guy? I'm fine!"

We all just laughed with her and she introduced herself as Meghan. She worked here and had come to see if everything was okay after she heard the noises.

We apologized to her and she was cool with it. We decided that it was time to do the shopping and head home so we went around the store grabbing things we needed.

Well actually, Isco and Alvaro grabbed everything, I was still sitting in the cart. So I just yelled orders while they grabbed everything. Every once in awhile these two stupid idiots would just push the cart away from them and I would scream which amused them both.

Soon we had two overflowing cart full of chips, drinks, ice-cream, biscuits, cookies, candy, crisps and one Alice Carter.

We get to the checkout and Meghan rang everything up for us. As she got the last item from the cart, she said to Isco and Alvaro pointing at me, "You can take her for free. Think of her as a gift from the store."

We all cracked up at that and the boys thanked her for 'such a lovely gift' as they put it.

We loaded everything in the car and headed off to home singing on top of our lungs, very badly might I add.


Author's Note

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I've decided that this is going to be an Isco Alarcon FanFic. I've got some new ideas for this story but I'll think about it first and maybe then I'll edit the previous chapters according to it. I'll let you know.

Dedication to @hamanniya for the votes. Thanks!

Hope you liked this chapter. Vote, comment and follow for more! :)

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