Chapter 7: Drunk

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"What the hell do you mean you've never gotten drunk?"

Dean was staring at a slightly uncomfortable Castiel. Cas fidgeted with his T shirt, knitting his fingers in the soft material. Dean had told him that his usual white button ups were too formal and now he could see he was right.

"I just...never had the opportunity," he explained. He looked up and saw a look in Dean's eyes and grew even more nervous.

"Ok, that's it. That was the last straw." Dean hopped up from his seat in the booth and shrugged on his light leather jacket.

"Wait, where are you going?" Cas asked, slightly fearful that he had done something wrong.

Dean. grabbed his trenchcoat and tossed it at him. "We are going to a bar to get you drunk."

Cas was surprised but slipped his arms into the coat anyway. "Wait, now? It's nearly 10:00 at night! Anna will be worried sick."

"So? Just text her tell her you'll be out late tonight." Dean walked to the Impala followed by a flustered Cas.

"Dean, seriously. It's not a big deal," Cas tried to reason as he climbed into the comfy leather seats of the Impala. Over the past few days, he soon grew to love the old thing.

"Actually it is a big deal. Getting drunk is fun and it's something you should experience." Dean poked his arm as he said that, starting the car.

Cas fished his phone out of his pocket and texted Anna he was going to be out pretty late tonight and not to worry.

After a few short minutes, they pulled up to a small bar not too far away from Dean's place. They climbed out and he flashed Cas another mischevious grin before leading him into the bar.

When he stepped inside, he was hit by a strong smell of alcohol and people. Mostly alcohol. Dean took his hand and led him through the drunken bodies of middle-aged men. He motioned for Cas to sit on a barstool as he ordered three shots.

Cas looked around, very uncomfortable. The sticky floor stuck to his shoes and the dancing, moving people were making him dizzy. He turned back around and nearly jumped out of the stool when he saw Dean's green eyes staring him down.

"Here, drink this." Dean took a shot and pressed it into Cas' trembling fingers. He looked down at the tiny glass in his hands, contemplating whether or not to drink it.

But when he looked back up, all doubts disappeared when Dean spoke, his eyes pulling him in. "Come on Cas. You can trust me. If you do anything stupid I'll be right beside you to haul your sorry ass home ok?" And with that, Cas raised the shot to his lips and drained it quickly, grimacing as the bitter liquid burned his throat.

"Ugh, this tastes awful," he said with another grimace. Much to Dean's surprise, he reached around him and grabbed the two other shots and drank both of those too. He blinked a few times and felt a slight buzz fill his head.

"Hmm, order some more," Cas said, his voice shaking a little.

Dean laughed and called over the bartender.

A few hours, many shots, and one beer later Cas was wasted. No, not wasted. Worse. Dean watched as Cas moved around the bar throughout out the night, greeting people in a drunken stupor and pointing over at Dean saying he's discovered the beauty of alcohol.

He even tried to flirt with some of the woman there and, much to Dean's annoyance, they didn't seem to mind.

Dean of course, had barely touched any alcohol so he could safely drive Cas home.

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