Chapter 8: The Truth

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"Dean. Dean wake up. Dammit Dean WAKE UP!"

Dean opened his eyes, startled, and saw Lisa staring down at him. "Finally, I've been shaking you for 5 minutes!" She moved around the couch and sat down, a small smile on her lips.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" she asked, confusion passing over her face. Dean looked around, still foggy from being woken up so suddenly. He threw the blanket off and it crumpled to the floor in a heap of wool. His shirt was slightly sticky from having the heavy blanket on him all night.

He opened his mouth to answer her question when a very hungover Cas stumbled into the room, clutching the door frame of Dean's bedroom as if it was the only thing keeping him upright.


Wearing Dean's tight shirt.

Hair sticking up in all different directions as if fingers had been running through it all night.

"Dean? I think I had too much to drink last night." Cas groaned and ran his hand through his hair, the shirt raising to reveal his hip bones.

But of course Dean didn't notice that.

He tried not to.

Lisa was speechless. She jumped off the couch and stared incredulously at Castiel, who was still half asleep.

"What the hell? What the hell, Dean!?" She yelled, backing away. Her eyes on Dean now. "I'm gone for one night. One night. And I come home early to see some hungover guy sleeping in our bed." Lisa turned toward Cas and saw his shirt, her anger flaring up even more. "And he's wearing your shirt! Care to explain?"

Dean struggled for an explanation when realization dawned on her face. "Oh my God...Oh my God! It's him, isn't it? The little bastard you were Souled to?" Lisa asked, her face was red from screaming as she looked back and forth between the two men.

"Lisa! He's not a bastard! Cas and I decided to just be friends," he tried, gesturing towards Cas.

Lisa sneered and rolled her eyes, clearly not believing him. "Oh yeah. Sure. Because friends who've only know each for a few weeks get drunk, swap T-shirts, and sleep together when their girlfriends aren't home!"

Dean glared at Lisa and the memory of Cas pressing his lips to his neck sprang up in his mind. He tried to push it away and explain. "Lisa we were just out drinking. Cas got wasted and I didn't know where he lived, so I brought him back here. I also gave him a shirt since his was dirty." He left out the part where he had to pull it off his body.

Lisa seemed to have calmed down upon hearing that but was still shooting daggers at Cas, who had remained silent through the whole ordeal. "You know what? I'm going out. If he isn't gone by the time I get back..." She didn't finish the sentence, just grabbed her coat sitting on the arm of the couch and stormed out of the apartment. She slammed the door shut loudly behind her.

"So that's Lisa," Cas said after a few seconds of silence. "She seems pleasant."

At that moment, all the wound up tension from last night and Lisa finally snapped. "Don't you say a fucking word, Castiel."

Cas' mouth parted in shock. Dean had never talked to him like that. He'd never even raised his voice. Hurt and disbelief were apparent all across his face as he unknowingly took a small step back. "What did you just say?"  He asked, even though he'd heard him loud and clear.

When Dean looked back at Cas, his anger faltered. The look of hurt on his handsome features nearly shut him up, then and there. Nearly. "I said to keep your mouth shut. The only reason I'm in this mess is because you." He repeated, quieter this time.

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