Chapter 11: Nightmares

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It was dark.

That was Castiel’s first thought as he looked around. He didn’t know how he got here, or where he was, but he wanted out. Now.

His breaths became labored, the darkness seemed to slowly suffocate him. Cas had never been claustrophobic, but this was different. The shadows looked like they were closing in.

That’s when the whispers started. He spun around, trying to find out where they were coming from until he realized:

They were in his head.

He couldn’t make out any of the words. Some of the voices sounded familiar, but there were so many. Cas pressed his hands to his head, desperately trying to drown out the growing voices. They were so loud, he couldn’t think. Couldn’t move. His knees gave out from under them and he was lost in the sea of whispers.

Then he realized who the voices belonged to. He could now make out the jumbled words.

They were his sisters.

His brothers.

His family.

The loudest of them all was Zachariah, the anger and hatred and loathing clear in his voice. It was a cacophony of hate. Directed straight at Castiel.




The onslaught was endless. Castiel curled up into a fetal position, trying to hide from the voices. He wanted out. He wanted them stop.

But then he heard a new voice, different from the others. He focused on that and made out a few words.

“Cas? Cas!”

This new voice was calling to him, a near desperate edge in its tone. The voice shook him, kept telling him to wake up.

That’s the last thing he remembered before he was jerked out of the nightmare.


“Dammit Cas, wake up!”

Cas sprang up, startled. He looked around, momentarily forgetting where he was.

“Hey, hey! Calm down!” Cas realized Dean was still holding his shoulders from shaking him awake. He stopped flailing and gripped Dean’s arm to keep his body from shaking. It didn’t work very well. His breaths came out in short, shaky gasps.

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