Chapter 10: New Beginnings

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Cas stumbled on the sidewalk, the blood from where Zach had kicked him earlier was dripping into his left eye, making it hard to see. Not to mention that that is already swollen from the second punch he’d received. The biting wind dove straight through his shirt and he shivered, trying to identify his surroundings.

He’d been wandering for about half an hour. When his brother kicked him out, he was numb for a good part of it. He just couldn’t get it through his head that Zach could have done such a cruel thing. His older brother may have shared some arguments in the past, not all merely verbal, but it had been so long ago. The notion of him doing it again betrayed everything they had built over the last decade.

He’d past by a few people here and there, each looking mildly concerned about his bruised face. Though none ever stopped him. Why would they anyway? Blood running down his forehead, a sad look lining his eyes. No sane person would willingly try to get involved in whatever is happening in his messed up life.

Castiel couldn’t stop thinking of Anna. Of how he had silently pleaded for her help and she ignored him, turning away. No doubt, she was at home, kneeling in front of the antique cross that was nailed into her wall. Probably asking why she had gotten stuck with such an idiot for a brother.

Cas was pulled out of his train of thought when he turned onto a street he recognized. Even in the darkness of the night, he could still make out an apartment complex at the end of the block.

Dean’s complex.

Cas knew he shouldn’t. He didn’t exactly know if they were on gone terms or not, but what he did know is that Lisa wasn’t going to be happy to see him.

Castiel became worried when he noticed darkness beginning to stain the outer edges of his vision. He needed help, and quickly if he didn’t want to pass out right here in the middle of the dimly-lit sidewalk. His legs found themselves moving toward the small complex, trying to blink away the little black dots that were clouding his mind.

He made his way across the parking lot, limping a bit. He reached the double doors in more time than he would have liked to admit and was just hoping it was warm inside. Wrapping his hand around the doorknob, he shakily pulled them open, sighing as heated air warmed his body. The receptionist did a double take when she looked up from her magazine, unsure of what to do with the bleeding man walking across the room towards the elevator.

He looked over at her stunned face. She was a young woman, clearly someone who didn’t have time to worry about him. He immediately decided he was too tired for an explanation. “Don’t ask,” Cas mumbled, shifting his gaze away from the stunned blonde and back to the elevator as he pressed the OPEN button. She blinked once and shook her head slowly, muttering under breath about needing a raise. She leafed through her magazine once more as the elevator shuddered open. He climbed inside and jammed his thumb into the floor number he remembered had Dean’s room on it.

When the metal doors slid shut and the receptionist out of sight, he groaned and leaned against the back wall of the enclosed case. Every breath became labored as the bruises from Zachariah’s kicks started to ache. The elevator began to drift slowly upward and jerked to a stop. The doors puttered open and he lurched himself off the wall, nearly falling over from the next wave of dizziness.

He spotted Dean’s room and made his way across the hall. After a lot of stumbling and some occasional gasping, he was finally close enough slam the palm of his hand onto the doorbell. Cas didn’t look to see if he actually rang it or not, he was too busy collapsing against the stone wall and sliding down onto the floor. He laid leaned his head back so that the wall supported it and closed his eyes.

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