Chapter 1: The Wedding

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"You may now kiss the bride."

Dean Winchester watched as his little brother, Sam, leaned down and kissed his new wife, Jess. They were both smiling and giggling the whole time.

Dean gave his brother a quick wink to tell him he did good, considering how clumsy Sam was. He didn't stutter or fumble over his words like he did when he practiced his vows in front of Dean.

Sam and Jessica Winchester made their way down the aisle and an hour later they were dancing the night away at the reception.

Dean, who wasn't much of a dancer, watched Jess's light gray hair swirl around her as Sam twirled her into a dip and planted a kiss on her lips. The guests erupted into applause and followed their lead and pretty soon, everyone had kicked off their shoes and joined the fun.

All except Dean, who had made his way over to the dessert table that was loaded with pie. He smiled and grabbed a few slices.

When he turned around, he saw he saw Sam and Jessica making their way towards him.

"Hey Dean," Sam greeted, his arm around Jess's shoulders. "I heard about Lisa, is she ok?" Lisa Braedon, Dean's girlfriend, had been under medical supervision for this past week. A few months ago she suffered from depression and anxiety and had to be prescribed special medication. She was happy and healthy and had moved in with Dean and hadn't had any problems. The doctors said since she was doing so well, they would try to ease her off the meds. It was going great until last week when she had a nervous breakdown in the middle of the store. She was presumed emotionally unstable and got her meds doubled. Lisa, who hadn't had any problems since, was getting out of the hospital this evening, which was why Dean had to leave the wedding early.

"She's doing great, actually. She just needs some more meds, that's all," Dean answered.

"Well tell I said hi and that I hope she keeps well," Jess said thoughtfully, smiling at Dean.

Suddenly the upbeat music turned into a slow song and people were urging the happy couple to dance.

"Duty calls," Sam said, waving bye to his brother as he led his wife to the dance floor.

Dean sighed and looked around at the dark gray decorations, wishing Lisa was here to dance with him. He scanned the hall and noticed another man who wasn't dancing. Curious, Dean grabbed his pie and walked over to the table where the man was at and sat down.

"Shouldn't you be dancing?" Dean questioned taking a bite of his pie. Now that he was closer, he saw that he had beautiful light gray eyes.

The man tilted his head at Dean in confusion.

"Shouldn't YOU be dancing?" He retorted, his voice surprisingly low. He turned toward the man who had an unusually large amount of pie piled onto his plate.

Dean smiled. "Good point. My date couldn't make it, so I'm stuck by myself. Where's yours?" He asked, taking another bite.

The man sighed and looked away, fidgeting with his hands. "I don't have one."

Dean's eyebrows shot up with surprise and he put his fork down. "Really? You came to a wedding without a date?"

The man turned back toward him and said, "Yes, I did. Seeing as I don't exactly have a girlfriend to bring. My sister, Anna, is the maid-of-honor and dragged me along saying it would be nice. Castiel Novak, by the way. But you can call me Cas." Cas stretched his hand toward the other man.

"Dean Winchester," he said with a smile, and shook Cas' hand. The moment their fingertips brushed was when the world around them changed.

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