Fuck billie eilish pt.5

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Your p.o.v

You wake up in billie's room to see her up in her sports bra on her laptop

You get up slowly walking towards her as you wrap your arms around her shoulders

She looks back at you and smiles

" Good morning ma'am's " she says rubbing your beautiful Melanin skin then kissing your arm

" Good morning Bill's" you say sitting on her bed

You start to get bored so you started to mess with Billie by kissing her face then playing with her hair

" Mama's stop" she says a she continues to write her essay for English

"Ok ..ok" you say flopping down back on her bed

You started to get dressed

" Where you going?" She say looking at you

" Home I think my mom's gonna worry" you say leaving out of her room then heading out her house

You walk to your house beside billies house

You walk in to see nobody there but a note saying your mom getting off late

You walk upstairs to your room and lay down as you will still tired so you fell asleep

***** Few hours later*****

You wake up to see that it's almost dark outside you look on your phone to see it's 6:23

You get up and go downstairs to see your mom with a man she looks at you

" Oh hey baby this is my co- worker John" she says smiling

" Hi" you say putting a fake smile on face

" Nice too meet you" he says getting up then holding his hand out

You shake his hand but you had an odd feeling about him then go to the kitchen

You made a sandwich then went upstairs you get on your phone to see that Billie is calling you

You answer to her talking to someone

" Leon close the curtains " you hear billie's voice

You hang up and look over at the window to see Leon smirking then close the curtains

And she said he cheated on her fuck Billie eillish....

The next day....

You wake up to remember what happened last night you roll your eyes as you get ready for school

You do your hygiene routine then put your outfit on

You walk downstairs to see John on the couch watching TV you roll your eyes then head out the door