Wish pt.6

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Recap:Y/n what are you doing?" You look over to see a angry Billie you never saw her like this her eyes we're darker then the normal blue....

Your p.o.v

" Billie leave me the fuck alone" you say angry

" Who the fuck is he? " She says mean mugging him up and down

" None of your business " you say flipping her off

" Bryson we should go " you say walking to his car

"  Ight " he says then opens the door for you

" Thanks " you smile then get in as Bryson jogs to the driver side and pulls off

" So who was she? " He says looking at you then back at the road

" We we're let's say friends with benefits but she ditched me for this boy that cheated on her and her other ex did too " you say rubbing your head

" Damn that's tuff she an ass for doing that to you tho " he says

Skip ride

He pulls up to your house

" Thanks for the ride " you say then smile

" You welcome ma " he looks into your eyes then leans in you also lean in

You guys start to have a full make out session he wraps his hand around your throat then kisses your neck Leaving a big hickey

You break the kiss then look at him


You wake up to see that Billie is beside you sleeping softly then you noticed this hold thing was a dream....

A/n: I sorry it just had to have a plot twist 🙃 but I still hope you love me💞🙃