Juvenile pt.2

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Recap: "Y'ALL LOOK"somebody screams as everybody looked your way even Billz

Everything was slience as you held your rib

" I thought yo ass was dead " Billz says wit her two black eyes and cut necked

" Well I guess not..." You say walking back to your cell like a bad bitch...


You began to eat your watery mash potatoes and your bologna sandwich

You feel someone sit next to you to see one of Billz minions you roll your eyes getting  up than throwing  your food in the trash can

You headed back up stairs  to your cell seeing  Nay you roll your eyes and get on your bunk

" Y/n I already  said I was sorry a million times" she says standing up then turning  towards  you

"I don't  care you still could have helped  me" You say turning  to face the wall

You hear mummering from  behind then footsteps  walking  out you turn back around to see Billz and one of her minions with red hair

" I thought yo as was dead"  she says licking  her lips

"I guess not bitch" you say rolling your eyes

Making her minion about to hit you but Billie  stops her

"Chill babe" she says holding her wrist

"Why the fuck is you in here anyway?" You say jumping down from your bed

" Just to warn you I'm watching  your ass" she says pulling  your hair then whispering something in your ear

" Don't  let me take yo ass " she says as she licks her lips then pushes me onto  Nays bed

She leaves  out as her minion  says something

"Look at her,touch her,if you even think about her I will kill you myself " she says as she leaves out the room

You grab your hygiene  bag then your towel and head down stairs  to the showers

You walked down the stairs  than in to the little  hallway leading to the showers

You walked in the shower to see Billie getting  head  from her bitch in one of the showers she smiles at you then grabs her boob

You walk out and wait on a bench  outside  of the shower room replaying  that in your mind

Making you gag you hear giggles  then Billie's  bitch walks out with her bag and towel as  she mean mugs you

You roll your eyes then walk in the shower room you look in the mirror  to see your bruises  and scars healing

You look around  to see no sign  of Billie she probably  left out the other door on the right you take off your tank top than your sweats

You then take of your undergarments  that grab your bag and towel hanging  it on the hanger

You turn the water on and then walk into the shower  you hear footsteps  then your shower curtain  open

You see Billie  she smiles  and then licks her lips

"I told you" she grabs your hair than turning  you around  bending  you over

" STOP " You say as she jams herself  into you

"PLEASE " You whimper  as she comes to rearrange your guts

"Don't  cry baby,TAKE IT" She says pounding  into you more harder

You cry as you try to run away but she pulls your hair tighter and continues

" Fuck I'ma gonna nut" she says moaning

You feel her cum  fill you up she slows down then pushes you on the ground

She looks at you then looks at you and smiles  you'll  be fine just don't  let me catch  you slipping  again

She walks out and grabs her towel leaving the showers  you began to cry you hear talking

You see Nay she looks at you up and down then shakes her head

" What happen Y/n?" She says grabbing  your towel and putting in over you

" she raped me" you say crying harder

..... oke so like I'm back on my wattpad  shii I'm so srry for not uploading  it's just really  stressful  so yea hope u like it I probably  do turn this to a book😗