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You Got in mad fights at school and being  disrespectful  next thing you know your ass   locked up in a police car  going to Juvenile
A/n:guys its gonna be 7 parts to this
Your P.O.V

You walked  in with  the officer  as she brought  you in a room to take your fingerprints then sigh papers

Few minutes  later

"  Turn around  facing  the wall and cough three times for me " she says

You do as told then change  into your orange shirt and pants

" Put your hands in your  pants  because  that is seen as a weapon  to officers" she says walking down the hall

She unlocks the doors to see cells up stairs  and down stairs you hear  girls cheering  and yelling

You walk pass a door as a girl says something

" That's my friend  " you roll your eyes

" Your cell is 7G " she points  up stairs  you walk up stairs  as you open your door then close  it as you see a girl curly hair she looks at you and smirks

" Wassup  I'm Nay " she says getting  up

" Hi  I'm Y/n " you say  putting  your stuff on your bed

You get on your bunk staring  at the ceiling as you does of a couple  minutes  later

Minutes  later...

You hear beeping  and the cell doors open up you get up and rub your eyes

Nay gets up and walks out you jump down and walk down the stairs 

"Aye Y/n ovea here " you look over to see Nay  sitting  with some girl's

You walk over to them and seat next to Nay

"Y/n that's Mami,Monstea,Nia" they wave at you and smile

" Hi " you wave back and  smile

You had a feeling someone was looking right at you so you turned  around  to see a girl with black and green hair and staring  at you

" What chu looking at bitch? " she says as she bangs on the table and gets up

" Sis you was staring  hard as shit so don't be lying and shit " you say getting up

Nay pulls your arm down giving you a sigh to seat down you sit down then roll your eyes

"Aye Y/n don't fuck wit dat bitch she got errybody on her team the grauds,gang last time somebody fucked wit her that bitch was in the bathroom blood errywhere" Nay says eating that nasty ass mac n cheese

" But still that bitch ovea there acting like I was staring at her but her ass was staring at me hella hard n shit" you say licking your lips

You turn around to see her laughing and smiling and shit she was fine but she gave you a bad vibe

Few moments later...

" Everyone go to the bathrooms its time to take your shower "The officer says

You grab the stuff they gave you like a your toothbrush,toothpaste,soap, your towel,and your slippers

You walk in with your towel covering your body you close the curtain behide you then put your towel on the towel rack