♡ Sweetheart ♡

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You sipped on your coffee  while you typed away on your keyboard trying to finish your report  before it was due.

" Y/n?" You hear your boss say you turn your head to see walking  towards your desk.

" You should be at home resting please log off and go home and I'll  reschedule your reports Due-date" she says patting  my shoulder then leaving.

" Ok thank you " you say logging  off your computer than getting  your belongings then heading  out your high heels clicking as you walk down the hall.

You entered the elevator then rubbing  your forehead  as you were stressed from today you couldn't  wait to get home and take a warm bath.

The elevator door ding thebn slowly opened your walked  out the door as you open the door and headed out the building .

You wrapped your coat around  your body trying  to stay warm on this gloomy cold night you finally  made it to the parking lot.

You grabbed your keys from your purse and slide it into the keys-hole you turned  it than open the car door you got into your car then closed the door.

You put your purse on the passenger's  sit than put your seat belt on then turning the key into the engine then turning on the heat and putting  your aux-cord in.

You hummed the songs and continued to drive home.....


You pulled up to your house as you park your car you grabbed your purse and then Locked your car doors.

Your high heels clicking onto the ground walk to the steps of your house you looked in your purse for your keys

" Hey sweetheart " your anxiety started to rise as you slowly  look up to see Billie your ex

She went to prison for a DUI and other crimes she smiled  then walked  up to you

" Billie what the fuck are you doing here? " you say as your voice rises a  little

"First of all who are you talking too? " she says grabbing your neck than pulling you closer to her

" You " you say looking  her dead in her eyes she looks taken  back from what you said then took her hand off  your neck.

When you two we're dating you we're always  a little intimidated by Billie but that all changed when she left you built up your self-esteem.

" Shit... Y/n I know I'm just poppin up randomly but I wanted to tell you that  I missed  you and I have no where else to go" she says looking down at her shoes.

" 1 Week and that's all "you say looking at her smiling  gosh you missed that fucking dimple

You realize you we're staring hard as fuck you quickly  looked a way then you began to unlock the door you turned on the light and stood at the door till she walked in.

You locked the door than put your  coat on the coat-hanger you turned around  to see Billie waiting for you

" Can I take a shower mama's? " she says unzipping her jacket to expose  her tank top you could see her black bra through her tank top that made you squirm.

" Of course "you saying  going to the hall closet and giving her a wash cloth and towel you then walked to your room and saw her boxers and and other tank top

You gave all the stuff to her as she headed  to the bathroom you heard her singing as the shower turned on you forgot to give her a toothbrush

You knocked on the door but she didn't  answer  so you knocked  other time she still didn't  answer  so you opened the door then put the toothbrush on the counter you could see her body through  the curtains

" Y/n is that you? " she says opening the curtains exposing her wood she chuckled then licked her lips

You covered your eyes then turned around the shower turned off and you heard  her footsteps walk behind you

You felt her penis on your butt you opened  the door then walked out

"Your toothbrush is on the counter" you say walking  down stairs to start dinner

20 mins later

"The foods finished Billie "you say as she jogged  from the living room to the kitchen

"Thanks Y/N " she says smiling showing her dimple

"So I was looking up some jobs for you to so it's this cafe 2 blocks from here it pays 14 dollars a hour plus tips would you wanna go to an interview?" You say eating your corn

"Yes thank you some much " she says dancing a little

"Good because its tomorrow " she looks at you wide eyed

"Y/n I don't have anything to wear " she says licking  her lips

" I'll just get you a dress from my closet " she pouts because she hates dresses

"Billie it's just one time " you say smiling a little

"Thank you soooooo much Y/n " she says hugging you you hug her back she looks at you then kisses you,you missed her lips so much you kissed  her back
  ⚠️ Smut WARING ⚠️
    Unprotected sex...

She picked you up and sat you on the table she kissed  your neck and she placed  loves bites all over your neck

"Fuck" you mumble under your  breath she rolled you skirt up and ripped  your panties off she began to go down on

" Yes Bil " you moaned grabbing your S/M/L boobs she slid a finger in then continued to eat you out

You pushed her head in deeper and she ate you like you we're here last meal she picked you up again walking towards the couch

She sat you down on her lap as you straddle her she grabbed  your neck and continued to kiss your lips

"Tonight's all about you Mama's" she said panting in your ear

She unzipped her jeans as you pulled them off leaving  her in her boxers you rubbed her wood

She through her head back then licking her lips you pulled her boxers off making her member hit her stomach she teased you sliding in and out quickly

"Stop teas-" she slid into then holding your waist as you goes moved in sync

"Gosh I love you so much Y/n" she said as she through  her head back as you sped up a little  faster

"Fuck I'm gonna cum " she says  kissing your neck

" Me too " you both came together as you both were panting you slid out of her

" Fuck " she said getting  up and going to the bathroom you followed   she turned on the shower as you both got in and washed up

" I love you too Billie " you said as she turned around and kissed you...

A/n: this was trash but I hoped u liked it😌💗