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A/n: This audio will sound like Billie is next,behind only if you use earphones it can spend chills down your spine so if ur sensitive please play the audio when u want to💞🙃

H/T: hair texture
Your p.o.v

You woke up jumping outta your bed as you just recalled yourself having a nightmare

You we're sweating and breathing harder then ever you got up and opened the window a Little

Then went down stairs for a glass of water when you got down stairs you poured your glass of water

You walked upstairs sipping on your water as you got to your room you didn't remember closing your door

" What the hell " you said you grab your metal bat then opened the door

To see no one but your window was closed you sat on your bed looking around trying to figure out what they hell is going on

You we're not that sleepy even though it was 3:25 am you we're on ig looking though to see what's going on

You then heard a boom come from under your bed your eyes went wide with your black instincts you took the metal bat and started walking to your door

You tried to open it but it was like it was locked from the outside but that couldn't be because your lock is on the inside

You went over to the window and tried to open it same thing it wasn't opening you then went back over to the door and started banging on your door

Hoping your mom would hear you your heart was racing as you being to cry

" Y/n why are you scared of me ?" You turn around to see a girl with black eyes and blue hair sitting on your bed as she looks into your soul

You turn back around and bang on the door harder

You then you hear foot steps coming to your door

Hearing your mom mumbling

" Why this girl banging on my doors and shit" she says turning the knob

" See you tomorrow night mama's " she says behind your neck leaving chills down your spine

She disappears then your mom opens the door

" Why the hell is your ass banging on my doors like you the police and shit" she says rolling her eyes

" Take your ass to sleep I got work in the morning " she says turning around walking to her room

You sigh then close your door you turn around to see your red lipstick on your mirror saying

" I'm in your head " you get in your bed as you we're scared thinking about what's Gonna happen and when

You wake up to see mirrors surrounding you at you try to push them away

The girl with the black eyes appear behind she grabs your neck and strokes your H/T

" I love you y/n" she says calmly

She pulls you back as you guys fall into the floor you jump up outta your bed

To see her standing there

" What do you want from me! " you say frightened

She disappears you blink as she's on top of you

" Your mines and only mines I'll help you if you don't disobey me" she says then licks your neck then leaving a hickey

Next day.....

You wake up and go to the bathroom to see a big hickey on your neck

Your mom comes in the bathroom  you try to hide the hickey

"Good morning baby" She says smiling

" Good morning " you say leaving out

" What's wrong?" She says pointing at your neck

" I don't Know it's like a bruise or sum " you say showing it to her

" Y/n it's nothing there " you look in the mirror to see it still there

" Ma what are you talking about its righ-" you turn back around to see it gone

" Nevermind " you say walking out the bathroom

" I'm in your head, I'm in your head" the girl repeatedly says in your head

" Shut up, shut up " you say mumbling your clothes started  glowing weirdly

" Go to school, go to school" she's says repeatedly over and over again

You put them on then head out the door you we're on your phone crossing the street

" CAR,CAR,CAR,CAR,CAR, CAR" she says yelling making your eardrums bleed

You turn around to see a car you jump in the grass as the car zooms pass

At school

You sigh as you get to school you see your best friend Y/BSF/N you wave at her

Her body was glowing red while everyone else was glowing green

Then your vision got blurry as you spaced out looking at her phone

You could read her text messages saying (your ugly, and she's jealous of you and she's waiting to expose you)

" Walk away,walk away" she says you walk away

Your house....

You waited till the girl came in your room to ask her questions

You turn around as you see her standing by your dresser

" What's your name?" You say walking behind her

She turns around as she eyes are ocean blue

" My name's Billie " she says sitting down

" Why me? Why are you here?" You say sitting next to you

" Why not you I'm here because that's the only thing that would being me back to life" she says

" So your like my Warner or something? " You say smiling

" Kinda " she says with a blank face

" Are you sad? " You say holding her hand

" I don't show emotion till I'm back to life no matter what I'll do I don't feel happy, sad but I do feel mad that's my only emotion" she says getting up

" I'm sorry for yelling at you but if I didn't you would have got hit by a speeding car " she says blankly.....

A/n: scared yet?

Please take my love😩

My love➡️💞💖❤️💓💚💛❣️💜💝💞💙💗💟🖤💕