chapter fourteen

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"I'll go with you."  Niall told me, I would love to bring him with me, but he has to perform, "Niall, I would love to have you come along with me but you have the concert tonight, and I'm going to try and leave tonight." I said grabbing Niall's hand.  Niall cupped my cheak in his hand, "ok, but if you need me, for anything, just call me and I'll be there in a blink of an eye." Niall is so sweet.

Zayn somehow got me a flight back to Wisconsin tonight, so that means I will be back in Wisconsin very late at night or very early in the morning the next day.  I packed some of my clothes and the boys went to the airport with me, Hannah, Eleanor, and Danielle had somewere they had to be, probably a party for one of their friends.  Hannah called me, I didn't feel like talking so I let it go to voicemail.  "hey Frank, I'm so sorry that I can't be there tonight, but I promise I will make it up to you.  Please tell your family that I said I am so sorry for their lose."  I sort of felt bad for not picking up the phone, but atleast she said goodbye to me.  Harry picked up my bag before I could get it, "no I got it love." Harry said, "thanks" is all I felt like saying.  I got on the plane after what felt like an hour worth of 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters'.

The little girl infront of me was singing a Taylor Swift song, I have nothing against her, she's a beautiful talented girl but her songs all sound the same to me.  The little girl turned around and looked at me, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped.  "oh my goodness, you're Niall's girlfriend!" she squealed  "yeah, I am" I smiled weakly, the little girl turned around and went back to singing along to the song she was listening to.

It felt like the flight took forever, but I made it back home.  My cousin, Chase picked me up from the airport, we drove home in silence, not an awkward silence, but just because we didn't have anything to talk about.  I really wasn't expecting people to be swarming me because Niall wasn't with me, but boy was I wrong, Chase had to chase the people away just so I could get out of the car!  I laughed to myself, Chase chasing people, I giggled.  I ran in the house only to get swarmed by my little cousins who are huge One Direction fans.  "is Niall hotter in person?" "do you have to go to the store to buy more food every week because Niall likes to eat food alot?"  "do you and Niall live together?"  "can you get me his autograph?" were the questions they asked me.  I just ignored them, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything I just wasn't in the mood for these type of questions.  "where is my mom?" I asked Olivia, one of my cousins.  "in the living room with Grandma."  "thanks" I said messing up her hair then picking her up, Olivia is three, she has blonde hair, green eyes and has a personality like mine.  Olivia and I are really close. 

I walked into the living room, "hi mom" I said, my eyes started stinging, oh great here come the waterworks.  My mom stood up and grabbed me, it was very awkward, only because I don't really hug my mom, we were never very close. 

after a few minutes I pulled away and asked, "what happened?"  My mom sighed, "well, we don't really know what happened." that just made me even more curious.  "oh.  Hey I will be right back, I uh have to use the bathroom." I lied.  "ok sweetie" my mom replied.  I ran up the stairs and walked into Maddy's room.  I hate the smell of her perfum but this time it was actually a refreshing smell.  I looked around the room, but one paper really cought my eye.  I walked over and picked it up off of the vanity were all her makeup sat.  It was a note.  writen in Maddy's handwriting.  I was scared so I called Niall.  I know why Niall, because his voice calms me down when I'm scared.  "hello?" I heard his angelic voice say.  "Niall, I found a note writen by Maddy." I said, my whole body was shaking with fear because of not knowing what was in the note.  "can you read it to me, if you don't mind?" he asked me.  I opened the note, there were dried tear staines on the paper.  I read, "I'm so sorry, mom, Frances, and dad, I just can't do this anymore.  everyone calls me mean names, bullys me and telling me to die.  I tryed to ignore them but it just didn't work.  I'm so sorry, please forgive me." the note wasn't done but I couldn't read it anymore.  "Niall? Are you still there?" I asked because Niall was being so quiet, "Yeah I'm here." he said, "I'm so sorry, but I have to go." my heart sank, "ok I'll talk to you later?" I asked, "yeah I love you, see you- I mean talk to you soon.' Niall said.


hiya guys :) haha

so my school starts on Liam's birthday so the story will be updated later than usual and since im in marching band we have games that we have to go to and practices we have to practice at so some nights like the nights we have games i might not be able to upload unless I write it on my ipod in the middle of the game, which im not going to do, because the director would make me do push ups lol (she likes to make us do push ups when we do something were not supposed to do). 

anyways thanks for reading, vote comment and all that good stuff  :) thanks soooooooooooooooooo much :)

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