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Honey stuffs her face with some cereal, as Jughead walks into the kitchen, with a worried look on his face

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Honey stuffs her face with some cereal, as Jughead walks into the kitchen, with a worried look on his face.
" What's wrong?" Honey asked, sitting her cereal.
" Penny called." Jughead whispered so Betty couldn't hear.
" Oh lord, what does she want?" Honey whispered back.
" I don't know..." Jughead looks at the bedroom door, then back at Honey.
" She wants me to meet her at pops."
" Well I'm coming with you!"
Honey states throwing her bowl into the sink.
" No, Honey-"
" Ah!" Honey put her finger in Jughead face.
" I'm going, end of discussion."
Jughead and Honey sit across from Penny Peabody as she stuffs her face with pancakes.
" I can't- We can't do this favor for you, Whatever it is." Jughead states," If I have to pay you for helping my dad-"
She cut him off.
" FP got into a little accident with some Ghoulies in the prison showers the other day. He's in the infirmary." She stated.
" Is he ok?!" Honey asked, quickly.
" Well, they messed up that pretty face of his. The Ghoulies wanted payback for the deal you and the Northsiders made made with Sheriff Keller. Got their higher ups locker up away." Penny says, making Honey eye her cautiously.
" That wasn't-" Honey was cut off by her brother.
" What can we do, to get him out?" He asked.
" For that you would need money. You need money. Rich people? Rich people don't sit in jail. Money greases the wheel's Of Justin."
" I hate to say it. She's right Jug." Honey whispered.
" I have eighteen dollars to my name." Jughead Said.
" I have five." Honey Said after.
Penny hums," Well, maybe we should think of this favor as a job. Just a one time Delivery. You pick up a crate in the Southside, deliver it to an address in Greendale. That it."
" What's in the crate?" Jug asked.
" Let's say...... Pancake mix." She says.
" Penny, we're not gonna be your drug runners." Honey snapped.
" Of course not. Your gonna be my transportation. Do this and I'll use you're cut if the cash for your Dad's case. I'll see what I can do to get him an early release." She promises.
Jughead and Honey share a look.
" Ok, I'll do it." He says.
Penny smirks.
" Ok, now your just gotta make a drop off and get out of there before midnight. Cause you don't want to be in Greendale after midnight, trust me. And, this crate isn't gonna fit on your bike. Can you get a car?"
Jughead and Honey walk to their bikes.
" we can borrow Archie's Dad's truck." Honey says.
" 'We'? No offense Honey, but your not coming."
" What?! Of course I'm coming." Honey snapped.
" Please! I don't want you getting hurt."
" I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." Honey said.
" Honey! Dads in prison, Jellybean and Mom are off somewhere, I don't need to loose you to! Please!"
Honey opened her mouth but closed it. She stared at her boots then sighed.
" Fine. But be careful!" She said pointing at his. Jughead nodded.
" Promise?"
" Promise."
Honey sat at the Bar, her leg bouncing out of nerves.
" Can I get a shot please?"
The bartender place the glass in front of her, and she downed it quickly.
" What has you so riled up?" A voice came from beside her.
She turned and saw Sweet Pea.
" Nothing...... Nothing." She said.
Sweet Pea rose his eyebrow.
" Really, cause I haven't seen you this nervous in..... Well I've never seen you this nervous." He said, turning his stool to face her.
" It's just...... Nothing." She said quickly.
" This is gonna sound so cheesy, and I'm not one for that but.... You can tell me anything."
Honey looked at his, then but her lip.
" It's.... Jughead and Archie are running a drug trip for Penny." She whispered.
" Peabody?"
Honey nodded.
" She said my Dad got into it with a Ghoulie and is now in the infirmary. We needed the money." She explained.
Sweet Pea nodded.
" Have you seen him."
" What?"
" Your Dad. Have you seen him."
Honey shook her head.
" Not since he's been locked up. I can't....... I cant face him." She said, looking at her lap.
" Come on." Sweet Pea slid off his stood.
" What? Why?"
" Because...."
" Because?"
" I'm taking you to see your dad."
Honey looked at him with disbelief, that chuckled a little.
" Your not gonna take no for an answer are you?"
" Nope."
She sighed, then followed his to his bike.
" Let's ride."
Honey sat in the chair, nervously bouncing her leg again.
What if she doesn't recognize him? What if he isn't able to leave and she can't see him?
" Honey?"
Honey looked and saw her dad, completely fine.
" Dad!"
" What are you doing here?" He asked.
" Visiting you, of course." She mumbled.
" You haven't come to see me since I was put in here."
Honey looked at her lap, trying to fight off the tears threatening to spill.
" I know- I- I couldn't face you. It's my fault your in-"
" Honey. It's not your fault."
Honey looked up and met the eyes of her fathers.
" I miss you." She whispered.
" I miss you too, Honey Bee."
She smiled slightly at the nickname.
She then went pale, remember Jughead and the Pancake Mix.
" Hon, you Alright?" FP asked.
" Um, yeah. I got to go. I love you."
FP nodded.
" Love you too."
Honey hung up the phone, then ran to Sweet Pea's bike.
" She lied!!" Honey yelled.
" What?"
" That bitch! She lied!"
Honey whipped out her phone to text Jughead.

" Can you take me somewhere?"********" What the hell kind of game are you playing, Penny?" Jughead demanded

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" Can you take me somewhere?"
" What the hell kind of game are you playing, Penny?" Jughead demanded.
" You lies to us. Our dad is fine!" Honey spits.
" I incentivized you." She said.
" Bitch, you manipulated us!!" Honey says, getting into Penny's face.
" Better backup sweetheart. Wouldn't want someone to mess up that pretty little face of yours."
Jughead pulled Honey behind him.
" You said this was gonna be a one time thing!"
Penny pulls out her phone and starts a video. It was Archie and Jughead taking the crate to the warehouse.
" What is this?" JugHead whispered.
" It's insurance you'll do what I say. And if you cause a scene or try and back out, or raise your voice to me ever again, I will make sure that video goes straight to Keller's desk. God imagine what that'll do to your Dad's heart. Break it, right."
" Why? Why us?" Jughead asked.
" FP made a promise to me that he didn't keep. As far as I'm concerned, his debt is your." She says, angrily.
" You cunt." Honey says, walking towards her. Jughead grabs her waist.
" Don't do anything stupid." He whispers.
Honey storms into their trailer, and kicks a pair of boots.
" Honey calm down."
" I can't!"
Honey leans on the wall, and closes her eyes.
" I'm going out."
" What?"
" I'm going out. Gotta clear my head."
Honey slips her jacket on and slams the door.
She walks down the street, tears of frustration running down her face.
She ends up behind the whyte Wyrm.
She slides down the wall, and rests her arms on her knees.
She lets out a breath, and leans her head into her chest.
" We got to stop meeting like this."
Sweet Pea sits next to Honey.
" You ok?"
Honey nods.
" Just everything going on! My dads in jail, I lost three of my best friends, Penny is having me and Jug making drug trips for her, my mom and sister aren't even here!"
Honey let out a shaky breath.
" God! I'm making it sound like my life sucks."
" Kinda seems like it does."
She turned to Sweet Pea.
" You know, for a guy known for fighting like, everybody, you have a big soft spot. I know see why they call you Sweet Pea."
Sweet Pea chuckles.
" Nah! I just know that you need somebody to talk to."
" Like I Said, Sweetie Pie."
He made a face, and playfully pushed her.
" Thank you."
" Don't mention it."
She smiled at him, then place her head on his shoulder.

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