The only reason.
I'm here.
Is to get inspired.
Is to see.
Is to look.
And to know what it means.
To get that feeling.
When I know.But I don't know.
And I don't know.
However I don't know.
Yet I don't know
Somehow I don't know
Therefore I don't know.
I don't know.And so badly did I want to know.
Maybe I'll never know.
Maybe I'll never need to know.
I just have to remember
The fact I don't know.
Doesn't make me lose who I am.Well,
In that case,
Who am I?
But I won't lose that.If I didn't experience it.
Doesn't make me any less human.
I'm still a person
I'm just
I won't lose that.No one will care.
And that's fine.
Because in this sinned world of disaster
And travesty.
Not knowing.
Makes me know
That I am
I knowI am
I won't lose that.I've lost what feels like everything.
When in reality.
I never had it in the first place.
7 billion people.
Count to that number.
You can't.
I'm not important.
I amNobody,
But I won't lose that
I never will.
The Sun Alone (3)
Puisi"So much to say, so few words that let me say it" ... Poetry for dark days. Sometimes it's necessary to wallow in your sorrows and in the deep dark shades of black. But the colours change. And you'll soon see the bigger picture, the fine details an...