Impulse x Blue!Lantern!Reader

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A/n what costume looks like above^

Today Hal was going to have me meet some of the Justice League and the Young Justice team.

"Come on GL why can't we stay partners. Do I honestly need to be part of a team with a bunch of strangers?" I asked as we flew toward a zeta tube.

"Yes you do. It'll do you some good to be around kids your age. Plus I have to go meet the Blue Lantern Corp and the Elders to give them a status update on you. So I won't be on earth." He said. I sighed annoyed. He laughed and pushed me over slightly making me laugh. I judged him back harder almost making him fly into a building.

"Why can't I just go with John, Guy, Jessica or Kyle. Their my mentors just as much as you are?" I asked.

"Because you don't know what it's like to be a kid. You're always working in school and you need some out of school activities that involve new people." He said.

"Come on. I'll make a wormhole to get there faster." He said before he made one. We flew through and when we flew out we were in a mountain. I looked around and saw a lot of people.

"Never mind I'm good." I said about to go back through the wormhole but Hal closed it. I glared at him. He smirked and made me turn around. I sighed annoyed and crossed my arms. I saw Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, the Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Red Tornado, Black Canary, and Aquaman. I was fan girling in my head. Oh god a lot of people.

"Ok I'm gonna leave you to it." Hal said before opening another wormhole. I made a wall blocking him.

"You can at least wait a few minutes and not leave me with a bunch of people I don't know." I said crossing my arms.

"Ok so here's the core Justice League members. You already know them. And these are the team. Can we have a roll call?" Hal asked Nightwing. He nodded.

"I'm Nightwing, that's Miss Martian, Superboy, Robin, Wonder Girl, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy, Bumblebee, Batgirl, Arsenal, and Impulse who is late." He said pointed to everyone. A boy with brown hair came in and smiled sheepishly as he walked in. You'd think a speedster would be on time.

"Everyone this is Kid Lantern your new teammate. Make her feel welcome." Batman said. I glared at Hal.

"You told them my name was Kid Lantern?!" I asked fuming. He laughed nervously before trying to fly away. I made a rope with my ring and tied it around his ankle yanking the rope down. And he fell to the floor.

"I-I take it back her name is Azura! Bats help!" Hal said scared.

"Her name is Azura make her feel welcome." Bats said looking at me. He smirked.

"Torture him for a few more minutes." Bats said before he and the other league members left. I just let him go instead of listening to Batman. GL looked at me and I was silently begging him to stay.

"Come on you'll be fine." He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you have to go?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me.

"I'll see you in a few weeks for patrol." He said before turning to leave. I sighed and waved.

"Make sure the Blue Lanterns don't make you late like last time!" I said before he left. He laughed and the wormhole closed. I took a deep breath before turning around. Immediately people surrounded me and started asking questions. Nope. I phased through the floor and took deep breaths. This room has a waterfall. I looked and I felt relaxed in here. Your 14 you're a big girl.

"Not a fan of crowded places I'm guessing." A voice said. I turned around ready to attack but I only saw Nightwing. I relaxed somewhat. I nodded.

"Just getting bombarded with questions and being put on the spot with people I don't know gives me bad anxiety." I said pulling my hood tighter on my head. He nodded.

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