Baby!Damian x Babysitter!Reader Part 2

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You know how you hear stories about when your die it's peaceful. There's no pain. No fear. It's beautiful. I woke up on a white beach and I could see crystal clear waters. It was beautiful. I stayed here for awhile and it was exactly like the stories. I didn't feel in pain, no fear, no heartache. Sure I'll miss the boys and my friends but I'll see them again. I walked around the beach taking everything until I screamed in agonizing pain. I closed my eyes hoping it would pass. But it didn't. I looked to see hands pulling me underground. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was screaming. Everything hurts so bad. I tried to breathe in but just breathed in water. I swam up and screamed. I felt someone trying to calm me down and when I looked I saw someone shaking me. A small boy. The pain became to much and I passed out.

~Damian's POV~

She'll be ok now. The Lazarus pit has brought grandfather back so many times. She'll be fine now. Father, Grayson, Todd, and Drake came running in. I picked up (L/n) and brought her over to the others.

"Why would you do this to her?!" Todd yelled at me.

"I saved her! Grandfather has used the pit before and turned out fine!" I yelled back.

"You brat you have no idea how the pit changes you! It twists your mind. She's not going to be the same anymore!" Todd yelled. Grayson quickly took (L/n) from me.

"She is too strong for that to happen!" I yelled before lunging at him.

~Bruce's POV~

I frowned as I looked at the young woman in front of me unconscious. The girl I'd watch grow up since she was 16. I looked at the boys fighting.

"Enough!" I yelled at them. All of them looked at me and cowered. I took a moment to calm myself down.

"Damian you had no right to do that to her. She was ready to leave. Now all you've done is put her in pain. She might not be the same girl we know once she wakes up. She could be an entirely different person." I explained kneeling down to his level. He shook his head rapidly.

"No I saved her. I saved her. She wasn't ready to go. She was scared." He said harshly wiping his tears away.

"No you weren't ready to say bye to her." I said to him. He just fell to his knees and started crying. It was now that I started to realize my son was still only 13. He's still a kid. I sighed and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my suit.

"Bruce something's happening." Dick said. We walked over and I saw as (Y/n)'s hair turning a silvery gray. I walked over to her and turned on my flashlight. I opened her eye and saw her once (e/c) turning (d/c). Odd the pit has never done something like this.

"Batcave now." I ordered.

~Time Skip your POV~

I woke up very confused. I looked around and saw I was in a bedroom. Who am I? I stood up and opened the door using my mind. It felt more natural that way. I sensed other people so I started following where they were. I found one making food.

"Ms. (Y/n) you are awake." The older man said.

"Is that my name?" I asked him.

"Oh my. You may want to sit down dear." He said leading me to a dining room. He put a pen and paper down.

"Please write down what you remember while I go get the masters." He said before walking away. I thought about it and only a few things came up. I picked up the pen with my mind and started writing. I don't know why but it feels more natural this way. The only think I wrote down was 24. That's the only thing that seems significant. Maybe that's how old I am? I don't know. I continued to write 24 in different fonts hoping something else would come up nothing else did though. Sensing other people in the room I turned around. I saw a group of men that I didn't recognize.

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