Nightwing x Reader

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I smiled as I trained. I liked training with the team. They thought it was work and they don't like training. I on the other hand really like training. I smiled as I dodged a hit from Robin. He tried punching me again but once again I dodged it easily. I laughed slightly as I grabbed his arm and quickly pinned it behind his back. I kicked his leg out from under him causing him to fall onto the ground.

"Robin failed." The machine said. I let him go and helped him up.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. He nodded and rubbed his arm.

"Yeah I'm good. Looks like I need more training though." He laughing slightly. I laughed with him.

"You're just as good as Nightwing. Still like him?" Robin asked. I blushed and nodded.

"I can't help it. I wish these feelings would change though. I don't think he'd want to date a kid." I said smiling sadly.

"3 years isn't that far." Robin tried.

"Yeah maybe but still. I don't think he sees me like that. Anyway you just need to learn 1 thing then you'll fight better." I said grabbing my water bottle.

"What do I need to learn?" He asked.

"You need to stop overthinking so much. Your muscle memory will help you out of a tough situation but it doesn't kick in if you're overthinking." I explained.

"How do you not think when you fight? You have to think." He said.

"Just let everything flow. Try it some time. I'm going to the locker rooms now. See ya." I said grabbing my bag. I showered and changed quickly before heading to the kitchen. I made 3 pans of cheese enchiladas vegetarian for Garfield. Here it's like if you make something you need to make enough for everyone. I smiled as I took it over to the lounge to eat.

"Hey (Y/n)?" Bart asked. I smiled.

"There are 3 pans on the stove. Go help yourselves." I said smiling. They all ran into the kitchen.

"Don't burn yourselves!" I warned. I heard someone burn themselves. I sighed and walked over.

"Sorry (Y/n)." Jaime said as I walked in. I looked and saw he burned his hand pretty bad from the pan.

"This is why I say be careful in the kitchen." I said healing his hand for him.

"I don't know how you're the same age as us you act like our mom." Bart joked. I smiled.

"You guys are my family and I care about everyone. You guys just act like kids. And Bart I'm only 16." I said putting my dishes in the sink.

"Sure you are. You aren't very fun." Bart challenged.

"Bart that's not the best idea." Beast Boy tried to warn him but Bart didn't listen. This calls for a prank war.

~Time Skip~

That leads us to now. It's been a few weeks and the pranks haven't let up but Bart went way to far this time. I stormed into the lounge in my leggings and a blue shirt. I had my towel and I kept trying to rub the color out of my hair.

"BART IM GOING TO MURDER YOU!" I said trying not to cry. My eyes were glassy and my voice was cracking every time I spoke. I walked in and the girls saw my hair and walked over trying to help me get it out. He was just laughing.

"No Bart you went to far this time." M'gann said trying to help me get the color out.

"Is this permanent?" I asked trying to get rid of the pain on my skin. My hair was a pastel blue now. He laughed nervously.

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