Jon Kent x Reader

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I smiled as I met up with Jon. I'm a teen titan. My weird quirk, that's what I call powers, is that I can create a power negation field at will. So people with superpowers around me I can nullify their powers making them like any other human. This comes in handy when facing powerful villains. I can match up with Damian in a fight so I think I'm covered. I actually joined recently. We're all 16. (I know Damian and Jon have a 3 year age gap but for this I'm making them the same age.) We are like the golden trio despite Damian's attitude. I say I joined recently but I've been here for over two years. Anyway Jon said he needed to meet me said it was important. So now I'm on the roof of the tower where he said to meet him. I heard footsteps and turned around. He smiled and waved. I laughed slightly seeing him in his glasses. They make him look so cute and nerdy.

"Hey Jon. What'd you need?" I asked as I looked at the city.

"I-I don't need anything. I asked dad if you could come to the Fortress of Solitude and he said yes." Jon said rubbing the back of his neck shyly. I smiled.

"Let's go then." I said excited. He laughed and picked me up before flying off. I held on tight because of my fear of flying. Ok not a fear of flying a fear of falling. I think Jon can hear my rapid heartbeat because he started laughing at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked slightly scared looking down.

"You look so scared." He laughed as the weather got freezing cold.

"I have a fear of falling from high places ok? Don't be mean." I said as he laughed. He looked at me and I could see his cheeks red from laughing. I got closer to him since he was warm and it was cold.

"I should've had you bring a sweater." He said before slowly landing. We landed and I looked at him confused. He then suddenly pulled me closer to him and put his sweater over me so that we were both in it. I laughed at his dorkiness before I saw he didn't have a shirt on under his sweater.

"Did you forget to put on a shirt when you were getting ready?" I joked. He laughed awkwardly and we started flying again.

"I didn't do laundry." He said sheepishly. I just laughed. His skin is really soft. I lightly traced little designs into his skin. I noticed he was flying faster. I'm not cold anymore at least. He is warm. Kryptonian DNA I'm telling you. We got inside the fortress and I saw Superman waiting for us. I awkwardly slipped out of Jon's sweater embarrassed that his dad saw us like that.

"So this is the girl you always talk about Jon?" Superman asked making Jon go beet red.

"S-Shes my best friend dad!" Jon said completely embarrassed. I smiled and rubbed circles into his arm. Anyone who knows Jon knows he gets flustered easily so it's funny sometimes to make him flustered. His dad only laughed at his son. I looked around at all the crystals. They are gorgeous. I took my phone and turned the flashlight on. I shined it in one of the crystals and the light reflected making it look really pretty. I could hear Jon and his dad talking but I didn't really care so I didn't pay attention.

"Kids maybe we should have visitors on another day there's a blizzard coming. (Y/n) you're welcome to come with us home for a bit." Clark said. I smiled and nodded. Jon put his sweater over me again and followed his dad out. It's weird seeing the world from this point of view. I guess it's not for them. I enjoyed the view before I saw a farmhouse in the distance that I think we were heading off to. I ended up being right. We landed and I noticed that my clothes were wet from the snow that melted on my clothes. Come on really? They left me near the porch and left quickly before coming back in civilian clothes. I laughed slightly at Jon's glasses.

"I don't understand how only a pair of glasses hides your identity." I laughed. He laughed and readjusted his glasses.

"I'll get you some of my clothes since yours are wet from the snow." Jon said before leaving me with his dad.

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