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When I get out of the shower I hear my family and Jackson laughing in the other room and I put on some of my old sweats and a tee shirt, before walking out into the main room. "Oh, no! Jackson, cover your eyes, she doesn't want you seeing her like this." Emma jumps up.

I shake my head, "E, he's seen me like this before." I look over to my Dad and give him a hug, "Hi, daddy."

"Hello, princess." My dad smiles. "I have to admit it's nice seeing you in that stuff again."

I nod, "Yeah, I'm gonna take a quick nap, I'm exhausted from the flight and time difference."

"Alright, sweetheart. But remember your Mother and I are taking you and Jackson out for dinner tonight."

I nod, "I hope I'm up and around before then."

Jackson stands, "That nap actually doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Hope that's the only bad idea, you've got there, Jackie Boy." My Dad laughs.

"Of course, Hank." Jackson smiles.

Jackson and I sleep for most of the morning and early that afternoon, when we get up and ready for dinner that night I realize that I miss placed an earring. "Oh dang it." I look around the nightstand.

"What is it?"

"I can't find one of my earrings, I know I had it right here."

"Want any help looking?"

I shake my head, "No, head out to the main room and tell my parents I'll be a minute."

Jackson nods and heads out of the room, I look around for a little while before finding the earring. It had fallen off the nightstand and landed under the bed. When I head out to the living room I see that my Mom is there, but Jackson and my Dad aren't. "I sent the boys down to the restaurant since we are going to the one across the street I thought it'd been a good bonding time."

"Alright. We should probably head over there."

"I'm sure they're fine, but yes, we should." My Mom nods.

When we get to the restaurant Jackson and my Dad already have a table. Dad's tie is loosened and they are drinking scotch. Dad looks like he is in the middle of a joke and Jackson looks as though he's bitten off a little more then he can chew, drinking against the old man.

My Mom scolds Dad when we get over there, "Hank, you shouldn't be drinking. You are still on the medication from your surgery."

I chuckle and sit next to Jackson, whispering to him, "He out drank you, didn't he?"

"I tried, but I realized it wasn't a smart idea," Jackson whispers back.

"You're gone, aren't you?"


Through dinner, Dad tells us crazy stories about his military days and about how he and Mom met, even telling Jackson a handful of embarrassing stories about me. Eventually, Jackson sobers up somewhat and decides he wants to tell my parents now.

"Uh... Hank, Margot." Jackson takes a deep breath, "I have something that I want to ask the two of you." Jackson glances over to me, "I've already asked Katherine and she said yes, but I want to have your blessing." Jackson looks back to my father, "I know that I am doing this a little out of order, but with your permission, I would like to marry your daughter."

My mother places a hand over her mouth and my father nods, before extending a hand to Jackson, "I can't think of anyone better for her than you, my boy. Of course, you have our blessing."

(Katherine's father is based on Robin Willaims. I didn't want to add too much in there with him because I didn't know if I could do justice to the great man.)

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