Another Member (2)

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That all went on for weeks, Mae was left behind in everything. And, all accidental, the seven had forgotten about Mae, totally replacing her with Jaeun. 

One day, for once, Mae was included. She walked to the practice room, tired and depressed. Her family had ditched her and it hurt more then getting shot. The boys were shocked when they saw Mae for the first time in what seemed like months. She'd definitely changed, she was skinnier, she had lost her bright aura, it was almost as if she became a living corpse. 

"Ahh, so now that everyone is here we can start. I was thinking that you eight should perform a new song that I found, it's called Young Forever and it'll be coming out on your next album 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever', how does that sound?" Jaehyun said. Mae was in shock, that was her song she wrote... Jaehyun stole her song. 

Pissed, Mae stood up, knocking her chair over in the process and glared intensely at him, "That's my song! I wrote that, you have no right in using it for those people because you don't have my permission!" Mae snapped, her voice laced with venom. 

Jaehyun eyed Namjoon, as if telling him to speak... and that was mistake, "Mae, sit down and don't be disrespectful to Jaehyun." Namjoon said harshly. Mae whipped her head around, fire in her eyes glaring at the leader. 

"Fine then, if I can't have my song... no one can," Mae took the flash drive out of Jaehyun's hand and smashed it. She walked over to the door and opened it, before leaving she said one thing that the seven never thought they'd ever hear from Mae, "you all are a bunch of fucking assholes you know," Mae left, slamming the door behind her. 

Even Jaehyun was shocked but that moment was by far his worst moment. minutes later, Hitman Bang entered and glared at all nine of the people in the room.

"Mind telling me why Mae left the building so angrily and upset?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Lea suddenly walked in, even more angry than Mae.

"You seven better do some explaining and figuring out because Mae just resigned from being an idol," Lea snapped, holding the paper in her hand, "oh, and PD-nim, I suggest you get rid of these two pieces of human waste, Jaehyun and Jaeun." 

Hitman Bang nodded and glared at the two named, "You both will never be allowed to be seen in this building again or I will make sure both of you will have major charges pressed and that you two will not have careers." the two nodded and ran out leaving Hitman Bang and the seven BTS members. 

"Explain," Hitman Bang commanded.

"Sir... I honestly don't know why I reprimanded Mae when she did nothing wrong. She was defending herself and her work and she had the right to be angry," Namjoon said and he held his  face in his hands. 

"Well, I suggest you better do something quick because I'll be meeting with Mae tomorrow where I am going to discuss her resignation. If you all really want Mae to be in this group, you all need to do something as fast as you can. And Namjoon, as a leader, I need you to tell me if things aren't going well so I can step in and solve it. If you had done that, I could've stepping in faster and we wouldn't be in this mess." 

Namjoon nodded, regret filling his system, "what are we going to do?" 

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