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(Inspiration: 'Time' by NF)

Jungkook was irritated over everything and it was mostly because of his lack of sleep due to practice and recording. Mae was in the same boat but didn't show it making Jungkook think she was slacking. Mae hadn't been feeling the best about herself and Jungkook pushed her over the edge.

The two were resting in their beds one day since they were given an off day. Mae was reading while Jungkook was watching over the practice footage and noticed that Mae wasn't doing anything to prepare for anything.

"Mae, don't you think that you should review the practice footage from yesterday?" he asked, semi-sassily.

"We have an off day, PD-nim specifically told us that we shouldn't focus on work," she answered not looking at him.

"But still, I think it'd be best if you just watched it to make sure you understand the routine and everything," he said starting to get a bit irritated.

"I think I understand the routine since we've gone over it millions of times," she replied calmly.

"I don't know about that," he mumbled but she still heard him.


"I said I don't know about that. Watching the footage it doesn't seem like you have any idea what you're doing. I'm sorry, I just want our performance to look good and all of us be in sync because it's professional but it seems like you could care less."

Mae sat up and stared at him, hurt, "Jungkook, I helped choreograph the routine," she said dropping honorifics.

"I am older than you, respect me!"

"Not when you're going off on me saying it looks like I'm slacking off, saying that it doesn't seem like I know the dance when I was a choreographer for the dance."

"God, sometimes I hate you."

Mae just stared at him in disbelief. She'd never seen him this angry before and before he could say anything else, "well great, that makes two of us."

She gasped, covering her mouth and eyes wide in shock at what she'd just said. She dropped her shoulders and head wishing she could just disappear.

"Wh-what?" Jungkook asked, snapping out of his rage and looking at the girl with concern.

"Noth-nothing, I'm going to take a walk," she said, walking out of the room.

The two fell asleep that night, angry. Mae upset with what she'd said and Jungkook feeling bad that she'd felt that way.

Since that night, the two hadn't spoken to each other since unless it was work-related. The live shows for the album looked fantastic but the two were putting on fake happiness. The rest had overheard the whole argument but every time one of them brought it up the two ignored it.

Mae's state made them nervous, Jungkook told them that he wasn't in the right mind when they last spoke. He didn't mean a word he'd said and wished he could just reverse time and stop himself from starting anything.

One day, Yoongi had decided enough was enough. He made his way to Mae's studio where she'd been staying for some time. Knocking on the door, he heard a hum which he figured meant that he could enter. He entered the room and sat down on the couch that was next to her desk where her notebook was open, her head lying next to it, and a pen in her hand. She just stared off into space, deep in her head and coming up with a song that could get her feelings out.

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