Freezer and Forgiving

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The group was filming a RUN BTS episode and they were cooking! They were put into group, four against four, and they were all getting excited.


Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Mae

Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon

"Okay, two group will have an hour and a half to cook whatever meal they'd like. Since the groups have already decided on what to make, you all can start in 3...2...1...go!" the producer yelled. The two groups got to work to begin their food, all in full concentration.

"Mae can you get a few things out of the walk-in refridgerator?" Jimin asked as he heated a pan. Mae just nodded and rushed off.

Upon entering, she didn't know why but she had a feeling something bad was about to happen. Deciding to ignore it, she began to gather a few fruits and veggies. Suddenly, the scraping of a door sounding followed by a slam. Mae turned around only to see the door had fallen out of the door stopped and was now closed. Anxiety bubbled inside of her as she dropped everything on the ground and panicked.

Checking her pockets for her phone to text someone, she realized she'd left it at the work space with the others. Walking over to the door, she pushed it a few times only for that to not work so she resulted to throwing her shoulder against it, stupidly. She repeatedly slammed herself onto the metal door but stopped when she heard a light cracking sound. By this time, she was beyond freezing and she dropped to the ground, breathing heavily as little clouds from her breathing formed.

Jungkook was getting a little nervous as to why it was taking Mae so long but finally stopped when her heard the banging of metal from the fridge. Dropping his things, he realized what had happened.

"Guys! Mae's locked in the freezer," Jungkook yelled as he ran over. The others, upon hearing this, immediatly dropped everything and rushed after him.

"Mae? Mae? Mae!! MAE?" Jungkook yelled hoping she'd answer.

"hey..." she answered softly, her lips had now turned blue and she was fading in and out of consciousness. Suddenly, a thump was heard from the inside followed by a few things falling.

Jungkook began to hit the door in hopes of it unlocking and a wave of relief washed over him when he heard a click. They all opened the door to the sight of the younger girl sitting on the ground, eyes closed and head slumped over. She looked like she was just casually sleeping. Jimin ran in and picked her up while Jin called the ambulance.

"They'll be here in five," Jin said once he came back, "how's everything?"

"She's out," Jimin said quitely, looking down at her. She looked so peaceful but it was noticalbe that she wasn't sleeping, her lips were blue and her eyelashes held droplets of frozen tears.

Minutes later, the ambulance arrived and rapidly placed Mae on a bed before injecting and IV into her arm as they wheeled her out.

"We can have two of you in the ambulance, the rest will need to go in a car," a nurse said, looking at the seven. As if reading each other's mind, they all agreed on having Taehyung and Jungkook go while the rest took the car. Once everything was organized, they hurriedly made their way to the hospital. Jungkook and Taehyung were holding both of her hands as the nurses did their work. Finally, they made it to the hospital and they all rushed into the emergency room but Jungkook and Taehyung needed to released their grip from Mae's hands. Reluctantly, they both did but tears were evident in their eyes as they watched her get rushed back.

Jungkook was angry at himself, he felt like this never would have happened if he and Mae didn't get into a disagreement before the shooting.

"Why do I feel like this is karma for being so mean?" Jungkook asked as he slumped himself against the wall.

"Kook, this isn't your fault, you didn't do anything and there's no chance anyone would've known this would happen," Namjoon said.

"This is karma, I was an idiot for snapping at Mae for going to hang out with Hyunjin, Chan, and Felix, I snapped at her and said if she wanted to hang out with them so badly she should just join them that we didn't need her anyway!" Jungkook replied, his tears falling.

"We know you didn't mean to, you were just jealous and Mae won't stay angry at you for long, she doesn't hold grudges," Jimin said, sitting next to Jungkook.

"I don't know..." Jungkook said, burying his face in his hand.

The wait was extremely painful for them, especially Jungkook since he felt like this was karma for his earlier actions. Finally, after what felt like forever a doctor announced that everything was clear and there was no extreme damage on Mae. Collectively, they sighed in relief before rising from their seats and following the doctor to where her room was.

"Only one is allowed in at a time for right now just for precaution, we've cleared everything but there's still some symptoms but nothing major. She is awake as well, so just be careful because she's sensitive from the freezing cold," the doctor reported once they reached the door, there was seating close by so the rest could be close while one went inside.

Not ready to talk, Jungkook decided to be the last one to go in. He wasn't sure what he was going to do if she was upset with him, he wished there was a way he could reverse time and prevent everything that had just happened from happening.

Finally, Namjoon left the room, "Jungkook, you have to talk to her, it's not going to hurt anything and you know how Mae is. She cares about you very much so and I don't think she'd like you beating yourself up like this."

Jungkook just nodded, slowly rising from his seat and making his way to the door. He let out a deep exhale before pushing the door open, letting out a loud creak. Mae looked up to see Jungkook, a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, Mimi," he said, mirroring her smile, "how're you feeling?"

"I'm getting there, still a tiny cold but I'm getting warmed up because the doctor gave me a heated blanket!" She exclaimed happily, snuggling with the soft, fuzzy, white fabric that was covering most of her. Jungkook smiled, admiring how she still remained so positive even when she was struggling. Mae, noticing Jungkook's expression morph into one radiating a melancholy feeling, grabbed his hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"You know I'm not mad at you, right?"

"You have all the rights to be upset with me, I wasn't being fair at all."

"It's okay, Kook, I'm not going to let some petty fight break up our friendship. You were upset, it's okay to be upset, just know I'm never going to leave you. You're stuck with me for a while," she replied with a chuckle.

Jungkook quickly wrapped both his arms around her, holding onto her as if she was going to disappear, "I'm so so sorry Mimi,"he murmured into her hair.

"It's okay, I'm okay. This is not your fault, I don't want to hear anyone say that you were blaming yourself for something that you have nothing to do with."

Jungkook ended up staying with Mae in the hospital that night, not wanting to leave her side for a while.

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