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"You all will be debuting in June so I need you all to be prepared and ready for anything," their manager, Seojun, said to the group of eight sitting in front of him. He'd decided on calling the eight Bangtan Sonyeondan. or BTS, one thing that did worry him was the fact that Bang Si-hyuk had decided to add a female to the line up.

"You all will have practice every day up till then so we need you to be ready and in the practice room by 7 am, you'll be dancing till 9 am with a 10 minute break. After that, you'll each go to the designated place where you're practicing your vocals and/or rap. Got it?"

The eight nodded, prepared for what the next three months which would lead up to their official debut.

"Practice will start tomorrow so be up and ready by 6:30 am because a van will pick you up and bring you here."

There were a few more things said before they were dismissed to be taken back to their dorms. They were being released back early so they could eat and rest early to be prepared for the coming months.

Mae was still shy around the other seven because she was the only girl in the group, it added more pressure to her, though, since she needed to match the skills of the others. The schedules hadn't even started and she was already anxious about what was going to happen and the pressure was already weighing on her shoulders. Though, out of all of them, she'd been close early on with Jungkook and he quickly noticed her suddenly quietness.

He sat next to her in the van that was taking them back to the dorm so he could talk with the maknae, "you okay, Mimi?"

Mae was snapped out of her thoughts thanks to Jungkook, "huh?" she asked, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"I asked if you were okay, you got quiet."

"O-oh, yeah, I'm good," she replied, forcing a smile before returning her eyes to the floor. He watched her for a moment, worried but not wanting to show it just in case.

Once they all got inside the dorm, most of them went to the living room or kitchen. Jin had made his way to the kitchen to make some food for them along with Yoongi and Jimin. Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook made their way to the living room, all flopping down on either a piece of furniture or the floor. Mae, on the other hand, left to go to her room that she shared with Jungkook so she could change and shower.

Once she was washed up, she made her way down the steps to where the others were before lying down on the floor next to Jungkook who was staring up at the ceiling.

Minutes later, Jin called the others to dinner and they all sat chatting amongst one another. After dinner was cleaned up and done, they all retired to their rooms to prepare for the long haul ahead of them.

*two months later*

Their debut was a month away, they were barely holding it together but the fact that they were going to debut soon was their motivation.

One night, Mae and Jungkook were resting in their rooms after a long day. Jungkook had just returned from the shower and made his way to his bed but stopped when he heard sniffles coming from the other side of the room.

"Mimi?" he asked, worried evident in his tone.

"Y-yeah?" she replied, barely a whisper.

"You okay?"

"I-I'm good, no worries."

Jungkook sighed and sat down so he was behind her, "c'mon, tell me what's wrong, please?"

Mae sighed and turned so she could face him but kept her head down. Jungkook brought her into his embrace, "please tell me what's wrong. I can't make you feel better if you don't tell me."

"I don't know if I can do this," she replied, looking up at him.

"What makes you think that?"

"I just feel like there's so much pressure, I'm the only girl in this group and I feel like all of the expectations are for me to be able to reach the level that you all have. I don't think I can do that."

"What levels do you have to reach? Mae, you were put in this group because Hitman Bang believed that you could be in a boy group. That alone is a feat and even before training you were talented. Training only made you even better. You're more then prepared for all of this and if you ever get nervous, just remember that you have us. We're a group and we're supposed to stick together and I don't plan on leaving you guys any time soon. I know the others think that too."

"You really think so?"

"I know so. Mae, you're gonna help make us stronger and even better."

Mae just nodded, still thinking. Jungkook brought her into his embrace, "if anyone's gonna be by your side 24/7 it's going to be me. I will no matter what."

I want to apologize for two thing: not updating this very often and always forgetting about this. I'm thinking about the next one being the final part because I feel like this series has always just hung above my head when I want to move onto new things. I've already started a story based on the book 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' by Jenny Han. After writing the 4 part series in this I wanted to adapt it into a longer plot with more details so if you can, please check that out. I'm also thinking about also making some stories that involve other groups that I listen to so look out for those too. I know this isn't the end yet but I just want to say thank you to all of the people who have been patient with me when it comes to this and also express out grateful I am for all of the support. I will see you in the next, and final, part that'll be out before the end of the week so look out for that. Thank you all once again and I hope that you have enjoyed this. 

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