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Ruth and I became very good friends irrespective of how different we were than each other.

As far as physical appearance is concerned, Ruth was thin while I was a bit over weight. In contrast of her dark brown hair and eyes, I had light brown hair and hazel coloured eyes. She had shorter hair than me because my hair was really long. She was a bit taller than me but nobody could really tell the difference.

Ruth was an extrovert which is completely opposite to me. She likes going out with friends and dancing and all sorts of things. While I prefer to stay at home and read books or watch movies. She was careless and free unlike me. I had my own insecurities and anxiety keeping me in my limits.

I was a straight-A student which automatically made not-so-popular. She was, however, popular and well-liked. Therefore, our classmates never really understood our friendship and that how could we even bond so well. But we did. We soon became inseparable.


"Ruth, you are actually friends with Abigail?" I overheard on of my classmates asking Ruth.

"Yes. Why?"

"Don't you know she's such a nerd? All she does is study and be a loser. Oh, and Fat."

"Shut up, you moron. I love her for what she is and you have got no right to disregard her like that. And I'll continue to stay friends with her whether your pathetic self likes it or not!"

That was the moment I knew Ruth was the perfect gift I could've ever received. She stood up for me which I had difficulty in doing since forever. She was the bestest friend I could ever ask for.


"Hello Ms. Busy. Where have you been? I haven't seen your face since forever!" Yvonne exclaimed as she entered my bedroom.

"C'mon you're just in middle school. What is keeping you so busy?" She continued.

Yvonne was technically my only friend after I had lost both my best friends. Before Ruth, she was the only one I ever talked to and shared my feelings. She was more like a sister to me than a best friend. She was an year older and lived next door. She was short, very short and so, everyone always thought I was the older one. We have been friends since we were 6. And she has seen me in my worst, literally.

"Um, nothing much really. You know, I don't like going out much. So, I have been living under this roof between these four walls of my bedroom and not showing my face to any mortal."

"Stupid. I don't like complicated sentences. Anyways tell me about your school, your friends, what did you do?"

"Well, nothing. I find middle school pretty boring actually." I said, sighing.

"Yeah. I think high school is the best. Don't you see those teenagers in the movies having so much fun? Gosh, just two years and I'll be in high school!" Yvonne exclaimed.

"Yeah, lucky you! I'm stuck for three years. By the way, I made a new friend. She's pretty cool. Her name's Ruth."

"Ruth? Hmm. Well don't you dare replace me though. You know, I'm your best friend." Yvonne said making a funny face.

"No, you are not. You are a stinky pig" I said sticking out my tongue.

"How dare you, you piece of shit!" Yvonne said and started hitting me with a pillow. So I picked one too and we got into a pillow fight. Soon we both got exhausted and went back to our gossips.

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