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The next few days, actually weeks, all we talked about was our kiss. And how much we wanted it again. This time we wanted to take it slow and feel it. Feel every second of it.

"But no, Ruth. Not in school. Can't risk anyone seeing us."

"You're such a coward, Abi. So what if they see. I love you. Let them know that!"

"Nope. They'll all be just grossed out."

Ruth rolled her eyes.

"We're just best friends in their eyes. That's it." I said sighing.

"How about at home? Yours or mine, doesn't matter."

"Visit each other's home just for kissing?"

"Do you want to kiss me or not?"

"Of course love, I do want to."
Saying that I kissed her cheeks.


"Hey, Yvonne. I'm going to Ruth's house today." I said as I searched my closet for a good outfit.

"What should I wear? Suggest me something good!"

"You are visiting her house. Why do you want to dress up? Just wear anything."

Yvonne doesn't know. But I wanted to look perfect for Ruth. I wanted Ruth to not be able to resist me. I picked out a sheer white top and jeans. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and applied slight makeup.

"Can I come?" Yvonne said.

I looked at her in disbelief. Of course, she couldn't come!

"W-why?" I stammered.

"Ruth has become a good friend of mine too. I wanna see her house and spend time with you guys. Do you mind?"

"Um no. Not at all...Sure." I said with a heavy heart. I couldn't say no to her. But now Ruth would be furious.


We reached Ruth's house and she was indeed shocked to see Yvonne. But she gave us a warm welcome and took us for a house tour. We chatted for a long time, ate some snacks and took lots of pictures and videos. Basically, we had a lot of fun.

Later, we were sitting on the couch when Yvonne got up.

"Hey, Ruth, Can you show me where the washroom is? I need to use it real quick."

Ruth pointed in the direction of the washroom and Yvonne left.

Within seconds, Ruth kept her hand on my eyes and leaned over. She kissed me so suddenly that I was taken aback. But I kissed her back. And this time it wasn't quick. This time we felt it. I could feel the tremors going down my spine. The butterflies in my stomach going crazy. Ruth still had her hand on my eyes and our lips were still kissing. I wished this moment never ended. I wished it could go on forever.

Then we heard a click. Yvonne was coming out of the washroom. We immediately separated and sat away from each other, awkwardly.

Yvonne didn't seem to notice anything but I was blushing so hard. The butterflies were still fluttering inside me. I looked over to Ruth and we both smiled shyly at each other.

And that was our second kiss.


"Are you coming or not?" I texted Ruth and threw my phone on the bed.

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang. I rushed to open it and saw Ruth's bright, shining face smiling widely.

I hugged her and then we went to my bedroom.

"So here's the YouTuber I was talking about. Isn't she funny? I keep binge-watching her videos like all the time!"

"Abi... I don't care. All I care of that we both are alone in your bedroom and we should do something about that." Ruth said biting her lips.

"What do you want me to do?" I teased her.

"Maybe lay your lips on mine and your hands on my body and push me on bed. Be creative. I want to see what you can do." Ruth said leaning really close to me.

"I would love to do all of that but you should know one thing. I'm really shy. Like really, really shy. So I just can't do it." I said sighing. Because that was the truth. I wanted to do so much with her but my shyness and anxiety always overcame me. I just couldn't.

"But I can do everything that I want, right?"

Ruth pushed me on bed and got on top of me. She kissed my lips. And maybe this time she was a little aggressive. I didn't feel comfortable. So I rolled over and she lay next to me.

We slid inside my pink blanket. The blanket was above our heads and we were looking at each other from inside. It was dark with a little light sinking in but it was fun. She kissed me again while we were laying side to side. She kept her palm on my waist and gently moved it below. I was about to stop her but I didn't. Then she moved her hand up again and gently slid inside my T-shirt. I felt a tickling feeling. She tried to lift my shirt up but her brushed her hand off.

"No, Ruth..."

"It's okay. I understand. Whenever you are ready and comfortable." She smiled and kissed me again.

And that was our third, fourth, fifth...? I don't even know how many times we kissed that day. But it was amazing. And little did we know, this might have been our last kiss.

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