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Grade Nine. Age 14.

We were sitting in class, paying attention and taking down notes. I was very bored and tired. I looked over to Ruth and she was already looking at me. We both smiled at each other and I continued taking notes. Few seconds later, I looked towards her again and she was still staring. I mouthed the words "What?" and she shook her said to say nothing. A few moments later, the same thing. She's still staring at me. Then she passed me a note-

"You're beautiful. And I need to stare at your beauty. I love you." The note read.

I blushed and gave her a flying kiss. She moved her hand and acted as if she caught it. Then she slowly closed her eyes and kissed her closed fist. She kissed my flying kiss. I couldn't stop blushing and smiling.

The bell rang and the teacher left the class. Ruth came over to me.

"Someone is being a little too flirty." I said.

"Sweetie, I want to kiss you. I really do." Ruth said.

"That's not going to happen- "

As soon I said that my pencil fell near Ruth's feet. I bent down over the bench to pick it up. Ruth leaned in, and pushed my hair aside from my neck. Her fingers traced my neck and it felt ticklish. She quickly bent down and gently laid a kiss on my neck. Her lips on my neck felt like heaven. I could actually feel volts of current running down my spine.

I sat up straight in shock with my mouth wide open.

"Did you just-"

Ruth cut me off saying "Yes, I did" and leaned over to almost kiss me but I turned my face away.

"Woah. No. Not happening. What if someone saw us? Are you crazy? We're in class!" I exclaimed.

"Ugh. This class. And your shy ass. C'mon I know you want this too." Ruth sighed and took my hand in hers.

I put my other hand over hers but didn't say anything.


February 22, 2016.

Just another day at school. Exhausting and tiring. Fortunately, the last lecture for that day was free. The teacher didn't feel like teaching so she just sat on her chair and let the students do what they wanted. Everybody was chit-chatting and so were Ruth and I.

We both were sitting in the the front row, the very first bench. We were talking and talking when something happened between two of our classmates, Jason and Sara. We didn't know what happened but the whole class seemed engaged in that and so was the teacher.

But, Ruth was pretty disinterested. She kissed my cheeks while I was speaking.

"Oh okay then." I blushed and continued. And she kissed me again. "Well being too romantic, aren't you?" She didn't reply but stared at me lovingly.

I was saying something again when I turned my head towards her. "So lik-" I was cut off by Ruth's lips touching mine. I pulled back and covered my face. I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato.

"Oh my god. I totally didn't mean to." Ruth said nervously and started laughing. I started laughing too. We laughed for a solid minute.

What had happened was, Ruth leaned in to kiss my cheeks but I turned my head. It was all an accident but our lips had finally met. Though an accident, it was still my first kiss. It was her first kiss, too. It was our first kiss.

"That just happened." I said in disbelief.

"I know right. Thanks to you." Ruth said. I punched her arm.

"And no one even noticed." She continued.

"Thanks to Jason and Sara for that." I said.

"So, how was it?" Ruth asked.


Ruth stared at me and I laughed.

"It was amazing. I loved it."

"It was quick." Ruth said, clearly dissatisfied.

"You want it again?"

"You bet. I would grab and kiss your lips right now!"


"Okay." Ruth said pouting her lips. I loved it when she acted immature.

"So it was our F.K.D!"

"What?" Ruth asked, clueless.

"First Kiss Day. Thats what we will call this date. Our little code. 22 February 2016 - F.K.D"

Ruth laughed at my silliness but we agreed.

I intertwined my fingers with her fingers and held them tight. We both smiled, looking into each other's eyes.

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