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"You know, People call their best friends as BFFs. Like best friends forever. Um, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to be my BFF?" I said.

"Oh my god. I was going to ask you the same thing! You read my mind? Also I guess we didn't have to do this formally. Like I am already your best friend, right?" Ruth said as she winked at me.

"BFF" I corrected her.


Well the next few months were the most wonderful and amazing in our lives. We were having fun, making memories, talking the whole day, doing stupid stuff. All the crazy things BFFs do.

If I had the chance to go back in time, I would like to relive these memories. These precious moments when we were innocent and things were not complicated. When we didn't know what love was or how it worked. When all we cared about was each other and having fun and there was no one to interfere.

No, actually there were two.

Ursula, one of our classmates had gotten really close to me. I liked spending time with her and she made me feel special. She said I was her only friend. Therefore, I started giving her more of my time. And that did not settle well with Ruth. We had a lot of arguments over Ursula.

But Ursula wasn't the only one coming in between our friendship. There was another horrible girl, that I hate with all my guts. Isla was her name. She tried to take away Ruth from me. She made me feel bad about myself. She criticised me for my looks. She used to say I was fat and ugly. And that had created a lot of insecurities in my head regarding myself. I hated myself. I hated my body.


"Abigail. Is this you?" Isla asked as she grabbed one of my photos from Ruth's hand.

"Yeah, it's of two years ago. My aunt's wedding."

"That dress looks pretty on you." Ruth complimented.

"Thank-" Isla cut me off while I was saying thank you.

"Oh really? Look at her stomach. She looks as if she's pregnant." Isla commented pointing to my stomach in the photo.

Isla started laughing out loud and Ruth giggled too. I guess they found it funny. But, I didn't. I felt hurt. And betrayed - by Ruth. I was literally on the verge of tears but I couldn't let them see I was that weak.


Ruth never saw that. She never saw how broken I felt because of Isla. How insecure I was about my body. Ruth never made me feel bad about myself but she continued being friends with Isla. That hurt a little bit. But I just had to tolerate.

But keeping both of these girls aside, Ruth and I were still the best of friends. Or so we liked to call it. We were young and innocent girls who liked to cherish our newly found friendship. Until our friendship blossomed into something much more beautiful and complicated - Love.

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