Chapter 16

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        Axel and I drove from his old home in a comfortable silence. I was lost in thought about everything that had been said on our trip and I wasn't too sure what I had to say about it all yet. I never would have guessed that Axel had a background like that. He was so kind and strong. He'd always seemed like a wise person to me, but I'd assumed it was because he was older and I was a naive child. I was wrong. Axel was all those things; strong, kind, and wise because of everything he's been through in his life. I loved him for pushing through everything with a strong heart. I could never be like him. True, I had a past too, but his had been terrible, and he'd come out stronger than me.

         Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him driving my car. His hands on the wheel were relaxed and he was slumped comfortably against the car seat. He looked totally opposite of the stressed out Axel I’d seen earlier. I knew he was relieved to get everything off his chest, and I was happy he'd told me. I felt like I was beginning to know Axel, the real him.

        With a happy sigh, I leaned against his shoulder and ran my fingers on the slight bulge of muscle in his arm. He kissed the top of my head and snaked an arm around my waist. His other hand steadied the steering wheel while he rubbed circles on my side. I reached up and nipped him gently on the jaw before settling back down. I loved this, just being in his arms. I loved him.

"      I love you," I tried the foreign words on my tongue, softly. I'd never said that to anyone because I'd never really felt it. I loved Axel, though, unconditionally. I almost thought he didn't hear me, but his hand tightened on my hip.

      "I love you, too, Bleubird. Always," He promised. I tilted my chin up so I could watch him looking out the window all seriously. When he caught my eye, he smiled questioningly.

      "What?" he murmured, glancing from the road to me. I sat back up so I could press little sticky kisses on his rough cheeks and jaw. Every time my lips touched him, I left behind sparkly strawberry lip-gloss marks. Just as I began letting my hands skim across his chest, his jaw tightened and he pulled me gently yet firmly away. I watched him, but he was staring out the window with both hands now firmly on the wheel. I cocked my head to the side, confused. Had I done something wrong?

      "Don't distract me while I drive, Bleubird." He warned quietly. I leaned against the door on my side of the car and smirked at him mischievously. I unwound the thick scarf from my neck and leaned my head against the open window. Purple hair lashed out in every direction from the wind.

      "I distract you?" I asked, feigning innocence by batting my curled lashes at him. He glanced at me and frowned at the way I was sitting- legs all sprawled out and slightly open shirt.

      "Yes," he growled, tearing his eyes away from me. I crawled back to him and pressed against him. I let my fingers crawl back against his chest and he made a sound in the back of his throat.

       "Then pull over," I whispered in his ear. With a jerk out the wheel, he pulled my car behind an abandoned building. Within seconds, he'd yanked off his seatbelt and had me pinned against the car's leather seats. His mouth found mine in a hard kiss and his hands tugged on the ponytail keeping my hair up. his fingers untangling the silky purple strands while I let my fingers explore his muscular stomach. It shimmied helplessly under my fingers as I touched him. He trailed kisses down my cheek and neck where the hickies from the other night were fading. Axel's green eyes met mine for a moment before he leaned his head down and started covering those marks with his own. I smiled at the possessiveness in his actions as I played with the silky strands of his hair.

     "I love you," I whispered again. Axel murmured something against my skin that I couldn't hear before pulling away. His thin fingers began unbuttoning my shirt, his lips following each button until he reached my belly. His tongue flicked out against my skin there, making me squirm in delight under him. I scraped my nails across his back when his tongue went inside my belly button. He laughed that deep laugh of his that made my stomach tighten and my heart skip beats. His bottom lip was being tugged by my teeth when his phone screeched, interrupting us.

      "Ignore it," he growled. We did for a moment more but it rang again. With a curse, he pulled away and whipped his phone out.

      "What?" he snapped, then, "Brad, I am going to murder you...."


     I watched Bleu as I listened to Brad asking me to pick him up from a bar. Of course I would pick him up, but I didn't really want to. I wanted to kiss Bleu's strawberry flavored lips for a while longer. She was propped up on her elbows with her shirt unbuttoned, showing off her delicious creamy skin and girly pink bra. Her lips were all swollen and red from our kisses that Brad just had to interrupt.

     "Are we going to go get him?" Bleu asked after I'd hung up the phone. I nodded and shoved the key in the ignition after finding it on the floor. Bleu buttoned up her shirt and I watched with disappointment as she settled back in her seat and fixed her rumpled hair.

      "Stupid Brad," I growled. Bleu laughed next to me, a tinkling girly sound that I loved.

     "Come here, you've got glitter all over your face," she murmured. I let her wipe the lip gloss from my face before we drove off to get Brad. I licked my lips and smiled. I could still taste her there.

     "Don't be sad, love. You'll get plenty more time to kiss me," Bleu laughed, pecking me on the cheek.

      "I love you, Bleubell," I said for probably the twentieth time that day. It was true, though. I loved her more than anything.....

A/N....Awwh! Aren't they so sweet together :)? I wanted to make this scene longer, but it was hard for me. Escpecially with my dad breathing down my neck constantly =_= Hopefully my next upload will be better though!

<3, That Cat ;)

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