Chapter 23

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         The ride to the airport was a tense, silent drive except for the sound of the radio softly playing some local station. I turned the music off though when I realized that all that was playing was love songs. At that moment, hearing about unconditional love and hooking up in the club was the last thing I needed. I felt loneliness weighing down on me despite the fact that Brad and Axel were both in the car to accompany me to my flight. They weren’t really good company though, because neither guys made an attempt at conversation.  We all knew it was pointless. Axel had gone through a few packs cigarettes which now littered the floor, probably from stress and Brad watched his cell phone blankly. I stared mutely as the city rushed by at a blurring pace. I wished that Axel would drive slowly so I could get one last glimpse at everything that I'd missed, but I didn't say anything. I was walking on eggshells around him at that moment because of a fight we'd had earlier in the morning that ended with harsh words and a broken plate. The broken plate was my fault, of course, but Axel had said some things that were uncalled for. I didn't want to leave him on a bad note, but it seemed like no one was going to start apologizing.

         I was the one who broke the terrible silence first, when the airport came into view, "I'm scared." I whispered, turning to Axel so he could see the warm tears running down my cheeks like rivers. He sighed and pulled into the parking lot so he could cup my face in both of his huge hands.

         "What is there to be scared of, Little Bleu? Isn't this what you want? To go home because you don't want to be trapped by me?" Although his words sounded condescending, his gaze and voice were melancholy, which only made me cry more.

         "I'm scared of leaving you, and never loving anyone again. I don't want to leave everything I've ever wanted behind, but i don't know what else to do. I'm just a stupid kid who-" Axel cut me off there with a hard kiss that seared my insides. He pulled away and grabbed my chin gently yet firmly so I had to look at him.

         "You are a kid. You have so much to learn about love and what you really want in life, but you aren't stupid. I don't ever want to hear you say that again, Bleu." He said firmly. I placed my hand over his and nodded at him as more tears formed in my eyes. With a sad smile, he brushed them away and kissed my forehead sweetly.

           "Go now, if it's what you feel that you must do," He murmured, pressing the plane ticket into my hand. Wordlessly, I climbed out of the car and hugged the leather jacket I'd taken from Axel around me comfortingly. With a small wave at Brad and Axel, I turned away and left them, knowing that I'd never be back after I left.


I watched Bleu's plane take off with dread weighing heavily in my chest. Brad stood beside me, solemnly staring out the window too. I expected him to say something to cheer me up or at least for him to take me to a club, but he seemed just as melancholy as me. I looked away from his crestfallen face to watch the plane finally disappear into the perfectly blue sky, with the person I wanted to be with most in the world. I turned away and began angrily kicking at the ground, taking out all of my frustration and sadness that I couldn't make Bleu stay. She told me she wasn't going to be mine to shove into a cage and show around like a pretty, brainless pet. I wish she knew that I thought so much more of her than that. Why couldn't she see her own worth when I told her all the time how much I loved her?

My angry outburst ended with me on my knees, staring blankly at the gravel I was sitting on, wondering what I was going to do without her. How was I going to live? She was my reason for living, and she just left.

"Axel," Brad whisper-yelled, making me look up at him. He pointed behind me and I turned around slowly, hope filling me. He was pointing to Bleu. Bleu was running toward us, pink hair unbound and swaying behind her. Tears were still running down her cheeks, and when she pressed herself into my arms, I found that her whole body was trembling. I held her close so I could hear what she was whispering quietly-"I couldn't leave you Axel, I just couldn't"

I hope you liked it </3 sorry for the long wait and shortness, but I've been super busy and sick! Hopefully the next upload will be soon, though.

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