Chapter 4

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Around eight, I left for Axel’s apartment on foot. He lived a couple of blocks away from me, so I had some time to think as I walked along the dark streets. I had acted stupid earlier with Axel, batting my eyelashes at him and thinking that he actually liked me. I knew he didn’t, though. I was young and naïve, whereas he was older and more experienced. A lot more experienced. But I was Bleu, the standoffish girl with tattoos and a bad attitude, not some freaking lovesick teenager. I hardly even knew Axel, anyways. I didn’t know his background, or what he was into. He didn’t know me, either. I was going to keep it that way, though. I wasn’t exactly one who liked to share my life story. Axel said he wanted to get to know me, but I was going to put a limit on how much he got to know. I wasn’t really ready to open up to him yet. I decided that I wasn’t going to let him get to me when I got to his house. I was going to pull myself together and have a good time. I drew my leather jacket tighter around myself as I pounded on Axel’s peeling red door. No one answered for a minute and I shifted impatiently on my heels. Finally, the door swung open, revealing Axel in a white button down and some jeans. His dark hair was in his eyes and I resisted the urge to brush it away.

“Bleubird!” Axel said in a sing-song voice. He outstretched his arms to me to give me a hug. There was a beer in his hands and a cigarette in his mouth. I narrowed my eyes at him. Was he drunk?

“Hey,” I said, shoving the jacket he had given me earlier into his open arms and sidestepped him into his room. Axel looked disappointed that I didn't accept his hug, but he shrugged and shut the door with his foot. We followed the sound of music and loud voices to his crowded living room. There were people everywhere, holding plastic red cups or smoking things I was almost positive weren't cigarettes. He introduced me to a few people, Lola, a pretty blonde snuggled in the arms of a dark-complected guy named James, and Brad, a guy with ridiculously long legs and curly blonde hair. There were other people too, but I forgot their names a couple of minutes after being introduced. Half of them were drunk anyways.

Axel and I took a seat on his giant wraparound couch, and I made sure to keep some space in between us so I wasn’t tempted to touch him. My fingers itched to reach out and hold his, but I kept them carefully placed in my lap. I wasn’t going to give in.

"I've seen your work, “Brad told me from the other side of the couch, talking about my art "I don't understand why it doesn't sell." I smiled and thanked him. I loved getting compliments from other artists. It really boosted my confidence.

"Maybe it's because she always has a frown on her pretty little face," Axel said, pinching my cheek. I pushed him away and shot him a glare but he just grinned, "It's true. You're a feisty little thing, Bleubell."

"You'd know," Said Brad with a grin. I rolled my eyes and got up to fix myself a drink. I found Lola in there too, sitting on the counter with her legs dangling over. She beckoned me to come stand by her, out of earshot from everyone.

"Hey, Bleu. I'd like to talk to you about something," She said. I turned to find her watching me with a serious expression.

"Okay," I said a little hesitantly. She leaned down so we were face to face. Didn’t this girl understand the meaning of personal space?

"Don't you dare hurt Axel. He's been through a lot, even if he doesn't show it. If you ever do anything to upset him, you're going to have to face me and some other very angry people." She threatened. I almost spit my punch out on her pretty white dress, but I somehow managed to swallow it. What was she talking about? I would never do anything to hurt Axel. We were just friends, anyways. Did she think we were something more than that?

"Uh, Lola...Axel and I are just friends," I told her. Her eyes widened and she blinked at me, confused. She dusted her dress off and hopped off the counter

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