Marauders Port

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The Moon shone bright and clear on Marauders Port by not bright enough to cut through the dense fog that rolled in from the Abyss. The Kraken surfaced from the murky depths,watching and observing with its eight milky eyes. The moonlight illuminated Dredge's treasure trove, bouncing off the golden coin and statue which contrasted with the sky which was as black as Davy Jones Locker.
The rotting timbers exhaled dust and rot as the weight of an armoured knight fell, defeated, his allies dead and the enemy approaching. His breath came in gasps as he knew his time on Earth was coming to an end and that the self appointed knight could protect the innocent no longer. In the corner of his dimming vision a ball with jagged holes appeared from thin air with purple mists and sparks emanating from the holes. Slowly the rest emerged along with the censer. It was floating in between some wrought iron chains that looked as wicked as the witch in your child's fairy tales. A piece of deep magenta fabric trailed from the bottom of the chains knotted once, twice then thrice like a witches ladder. A deathly pale hand held the censer and the hand led to Seris,The Oracle of the Abyss. Within the palm of her hand and the top of her hand sat a purple gem, held in place by a chain leading to her woven wrist guards. She wore a corsetted bra just above her navel and wore a hood attached to a clasp made of jagged metal with a violet gem embedded into it. The hood was attached to her woven wrist guards. She wore a trailing dress with symbols stitched in a paler lilac at the hem with an opening at the front for her legs. It was held together by a knotted piece of black fabric.
An unearthly shriek filled the air as green wispy souls flew out of Seris's palm and into the knight. His body twitched once then twice then his eyes snapped open as stolen souls coursed through his veins, pulling back into reality. When he got to his feet and turned to thank the enchantress, she was gone and all that was left was a violet wisp of smoke.
Seris was the Oracle of The Abyss, a realm where darkness reigned supreme. She got her name from the city she completely destroyed after she traversed to this realm from the Abyss. A blindfold covered her eyes as she was an Oracle after all and magic especially dark magic was her specialty.
[Seriss POV]
The front liners like the Knight she healed were kind enough but constantly needing healing. She walked to the platform above the objective to heal the Kinessa who was there sniping away but when she got there Kinessa wasn't there neither was the enemy. Her team was dead! Their corpses littered the timber platform and they lay alongside the enemy team in death. Even though she wore a blindfold, the arcane arts granted her sight. Magical sight. A residual magic signature hung over there bodies but it wasn't like any sorcery Seris had seen before, it was bright and powerful whereas the magic in this realm was dull and grey. Another being had caused this. The jewel in her clasp started pulsating as though danger was near. The magic wasn't Abyssal nor was it Rebellious, it was godlike...
'Hello Seris,' Seris spun round,she heard a lilting voice on the wind.
'From one sorceress to the other, I am politely asking for you to give me back my property.'
Now Seris was confused. Her property? The jewel in her clasp was vibrating now, like it was alive.' I don't know what you are talking about!' She waited for a response from the disembodied voice but none came. She started to walk away to heal her teammates when she was pushed over. She got up and looked behind her and...nnnoo... it can't be you.... Circe?Hhow ddid yyou escape?
'A foolish apprentice, that's how. Listen Seris we both know what I want and we both know why I want it so spare me the trouble and hand it over.'
What was she on about?
'Last chance, I am being nice with you because we are both powerful women but this is your last chance, hand it over!'
I got up and simply shrugged.
'Okay then, I'll simply take it off your dead body!'
[Circes POV]
She thought I would give her mercy well she was mistaken, I would take it from her cold dead hands!
[Seris POV]
I stood tall and raised my palm ready for battle. Circe moved left then right in a blink of an eye and then in a microsecond was right in front of me and drew water from the sea beside us and started blasting water jets at me. I dodged and weaved and went into my shadow form. I saw her whirl around trying to see where I was, I started projecting a barrage of soul projectiles at her and managed to hit her with about 8 before she realised where I was and sped away to the objective
I slowly walked into Dredges Treasure Trove, looking everywhere in case she planned an ambush, I could see her magic trail and it was now fiery red and pastel pink but seemed to lead to behind the golden statue of Valera. I went into my shadow form, ready to strike when she sprang on top of me, she'd hid her trail and managed to get onto the platform, she clawed at my hood and I used my soul rend and she flew off me and she seemed to appear at least thirty years older, with wrinkles and liver spots on her face but it barely lasted as she turned back to normal. I drew some souls from the censer, ready to fire. She seemed weaker and defeated, she was leaning on the wall behind her for support, I felt a pang of sympathy for her and cautiously went over when I was kicked over and I hit the wall, falling right through Circe and hitting my head on the paved cobblestones.
'You are not the only one who knows magic.'
It was an illusion! I spun round ready to grip her throat and choke her to death but there was no one. I felt something behind me so I turned instantly but again no one, suddenly I was punched in the back then the leg, stomach, head, neck  all at once! All I could see was violet swathes of hair rushing around me in a dizzying cycle and when it stopped I could taste the copper tang of blood in my mouth. I almost fell over from the pain and I could feel the bruises forming. I looked up into her eyes and she smirked. I smirked back and used my healing powers but on me instead, I could feel the bruises healing and the pain subsiding. She looked so taken aback so I pinched her deep in her gut and she doubled over in pain.
'You asked for it now, you pathetic wench!'
She ran somewhere and suddenly I could feel my blindfold coming loose! I started screaming, begging for her to stop and I felt the blindfold come off my face like a drop of water. I wouldn't dare to open my eyes.
'Come on Seris open your eyes what is the Oracle of the Abyss afraid of?'
She was taunting me, I tried to run as far as I could but I ran into a wall and by instinct opened my eyes. So much colour, life and vibrancy but too much! I could see everything! Every universe, every timeline, it was too much to handle, I felt my breathing increase as images and colour flooded my brain, I could feel a killer migraine coming on! Then she punched me right on the solar plexus and I fell. I felt my vision getting hazy and dots appearing but the images kept on coming. My head was getting warmer and warmer until it was going to..........
[Circes POV]
Disgusting, her brains exploded all over the cobblestones but at least none got on me. I grabbed her censer and punched my way into it, I peered at the hole and floating within the censer was a lilac shard, I delicately took it out and discarded the censer onto her body and slotted it in place and now I had the ability of Soul Manipulation, not exactly one of my fathers greatest powers but useful. I dipped my finger in some of her brains and drew a symbol onto the cobblestones, the fleshy pink turned an rich shade of violet, I stepped in and violet light shone through the sigil, the cobblestones cracked and gave way to my next destination, an island where it's kill or be killed.

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