We Will Decide

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Rachael's Point Of View: 

I reach over to grab some popcorn but introduced to an empty bowl. I pout at that and look at Hannah who's concentrated on the screen. The movie isn't over yet, we're at the part when Ellie is confessing what love is, but my popcorn is gone. 

"Pssst," I try to get Hannah's attention, her eyes remain on the screen like everyone else. I try to poke her on her side, but she just swats my hand away. I let out a groan, and fall back into my sit. 

"Hannah," I whisper, she turns to me and looks back at the screen. 

I whisper again, "Hannah." 

"Sssh," She shushed me, leaning in toward the screen. 

I look back at the screen with arm crossed, Aster is upset that all along the letters came from Ellie because she thought it was from Paul. Damn, what a plot twist on her part. 

"Love is a mess, but love is bold," I heard Hannah uttered to herself, she turns and looks at me with a smile. 

I frown back at her, her smile drops to a frown too. 

"You don't like the movie?" She whispers. 

"No, I like it, it's just -" I got cut off by someone yelling across the theater. 

"Would you shut up?! Cause you're ruining the best part!" They yelled in irritation, I bite my lower lip and shot a look toward where the sound is coming from. 

Hannah looks at me confused, I point at the empty bucket that used to be full of popcorn. She smiles, "You'll manage to survive." 

I glare at her and the same person yelled, "I can hear you!" 

I roll my eyes and went back to watching the movie. After a couple more minutes of watching the movie, it's finally over. 

The light in the theater flicker on and everyone starts to get up from their seat. 

Hannah smiles at me, "Seem like you've survived." 

I roll my eyes, "Surprise." 

We got up and start making our way to exist following others. Our hands brush each other's as we walk side by side, I look down at her hand. 

Should I grab it? 

Or should I leave it?  

"How was the movie?" Hannah asks, she wraps her arm around me when the cold wind came impact with our warm skin. 

"Ellie is a moran," I answered her under her arms, she chuckles and raises a brow at me. 

"How so?" She asks. 

"As Ellie Chu said to Paul, during the scene when the man chases the chain with the woman in it. The boy is already a moran because he's running after the train and the woman cried in the train, which Ellie called her a moran." I say, taking a breath and continued. "In the end, Ellie cried when she was on the train, therefore, Ellie is a moran." 

Hannah chuckles in her hand, then she came to a halt making me stop in my tracks. 

She looks up in the sky, and I look up with her. Stars filled the sky like sparkles, they are lighting up the darkness within the nightlife on Earth. My eyes linger at the stars for another moment then I let my eyes drift to Hannah, who's studying the stars with a smile on her face. Her lips move as she mumbled some star names I don't know before, she's beautiful. 

She turns her head, facing me, "Rachael..." 

"Yeah?" I question, I went in front of her and wrap my arms around her waist. 

I could feel her warmth pressed against me under this cold night, under these sparkling stars and it's only us at the moment. I lay my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat beneath her shirt, I feel happy in her arms. She wraps her arm around me pulling me closer to her chest, she lay her chin on my head. I guess, my height is finally put into good use for once. 

"I think...I'm falling in love with you," Hannah whispers, my eyes shot open at her confession and look up to her hazel eyes. "You've changed me, Rachael, you've made me realized how the world revolves about me. You made me realized how people behave around me... You treated me like a friend, you didn't push me away, you didn't hate me because of my reputation, but you give me another chance. Another chance to prove who I am in your eyes, another chance to move on properly." 

She took a step back taking the warmth with her, she looks into my grey eyes. 

"What-what do you mean?" I sputter in shock, my heartbeat increasing in speed as the world starts to look fuzzy in front of me. Everything looks fuzzy, except Hannah, who stayed bold in my vision. I brought my hands up to my chest, trying to slow down my heartbeat and my breathing starts to get heavier. 

Hannah looks at her feet before looking up at me, "I-I...You do know my past right?" 

About her being a cheater? 

I shook my head, pretending I don't know what she's talking about. 

"What do you mean?" I ask dumbfounded. 

She lips her lips and stuffs her hand in her pocket, "About me..." 

She hesitates before continuing. 

"About me being a cheater, I cheated on my ex-girlfriend..." Hannah whispers the last part, closing her eyes shut. "Austin hated me because I change someone who I love into someone we don't know anymore... I've realized how people don't want my company anymore, it feels lonely and left behind. However, when I came through the doorway on the first day when you attend this school. I've never felt so much relief that day, someone who - who could finally view me more than as - as a cheater. Someone who's - who's just Hannah, nothing else." 

She broke down in front of me, tears flow out of her hazel eyes as her lip trembles and letting out hiccups. She brought her hand up wiping her tears, "All - all these days, I've been waiting for someone who would see me more than a cheater, I know what I did is wrong, but don't I deserve another chance and redeem myself? If I just been the perfect girlfriend and believe in love, in love that could happen in straight couples or gay couples or lesbian couples, then I wouldn't be here tonight." 

I look at her in shock, she's trembling in her arms as she hugs herself. She wipes each tear that flows out of her eyes like a waterfall. I want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay, but she looks so delicate right now. I felt like if I touch her, she would break. 

"Rachael," Her voice cracked. "Thank you, for showing me something that I've been waiting for all these days."

Finally, I brought my hands up to her face, cupping her face, and wipe her tears away. 

"Forgive, but don't forget," I whisper to her. "In life, we do mistakes that we wish we could fix, but we can't go back in time to fix it. Therefore, it leaves a scar on us, one way to be proud of the scar. Is to forgive what you've done, but don't forget what you've done is wrong." 

Hannah looks at me, a weak smile form on her lips. My heart flutters seeing her smile after the broken down, I brush my nose over hers's which made her smile bigger. 

"Hannah," I whisper, a smile form on my face. My heart is beating fast in my chest, I look into her hazel eyes. "You deserve forgiveness, what you did is wrong and I'm glad you realized that. I'm glad you realized your mistake." 

Hannah smiles and plants a kiss on my forehead, she opens her mouth to say something. The next thing that escapes her mouth made my heart skips a beat. 

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