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Rachael's Point of View: 

"Deciding to be late again?" I hear a voice say, jolting me awake, realizing it's my mom. I groaned in annoyance and cover my head with the blanket, but she pulls it away.  

"Get your ass downstairs, 'cause we got talking to do," She commands, looking down at me before leaving the room. I call out to her, "What is it about?" 

"You know what this is about." She yells back. 

Feeling a bit tired, I drag my feet to the bathroom to freshen up. My hair looks like a bird's nest, I should probably start raising birds on my head. Examining my reflection closely,  I notice that the foundation on my neck has slightly rubbed off, revealing the hickeys. I grab the nearby makeup remover and proceed to gently remove the foundation, exposing the hickeys completely.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I mutter to myself, "What was the point of trying to talk to Hannah if she doesn't even listen?" 

And, I look like a dying rat with eye bags under my eyes. Ugh. I let out another sigh as I remove my hoodie. Its scent catches my attention, I brought it close to my nose and inhale deeply. A smile forms on my face as I recognize the familiar scent of Sam. 

Guess who's not washing this? Me. 

After setting aside the hoodie, I quickly got ready and reapplied the foundation on my neck before making my way downstairs. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I overhear my parents engaged in a hushed conversation. 

"How could this happen?" my dad whispers, his voice laced with disbelief. 

"Maybe, she's dealing with a lot of things... Maybe moving here is a lot and she's still adjusting to it, honey," my mom replies, her voice filled with concern. 

"How can it be a big adjustment? We've moved around before, and she handled it just fine," my dad responded, his patience clearly wearing thin.

I heard my mom sigh, and gathering all my courage, I entered the dining room to find them sitting side by side.

"Good morning," I start to greet them, but my dad interrupted me, his tone stern. "You're already late for school. We've called and informed them that you won't be attending today. This gives us the opportunity to talk about what's going on." 

I nervously bite my inner cheek as I offer a slight nod, and take a seat across from them. My gaze falls to the table as I brace myself for what's to come. The silence between us feels heavy, and my heart races with fear as I wait for them to speak. 

My mom softly broke the silence, I glance up at her feeling vulnerable. Her voice fills with concern, and she gently says, "We heard that you had a panic attack at school yesterday. Also, your grades are suffering."

"Yeah," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, avoiding making eye contact with my dad. 

"It's been a while since you last experienced a panic attack," my dad remarked, surprising me with his acknowledgment. I turn my gaze towards him, a flicker of surprise crossing my face. He continued, "What do you think has triggered this recent episode?" 

After hesitating for a moment, I decided to share my thoughts with them. Meeting their gaze, I admitted the truth, "I think it's the stress and the current situation that is getting to me. There's a lot of drama within my friend circle, and even though I'm new, it feels like I've been a part of it from the beginning. Austin and Hannah will do anything to snap each other heads off, and I recently discovered that Hannah cheated on Sam. That's what caused Sam to be distant. Now that I am with Sa-Hannah...something just feels off. Also, I know that my grades are falling which I am stressed about." 

My dad's expression turns serious as he asks, "What's bothering you about Hannah?" 

I feel the weight of the situation settle onto my shoulders as I think about her. 

"It's hard to explain," I start, taking a moment to compose my thoughts. "When we first met, she had a bad reputation because of some cheating scandals. I didn't think that should define her character, so I decided to be her friend and support her. Eventually, she developed feelings for me and asked me out. Although some people were surprised and not approving, our relationship was good at first. But lately, she has been very controlling and possessive."

"Sweetie," my mom speaks up, with a comforting smile, she reaches across the table and holds my hands in hers. "Listen, I didn't carry you for 9 months just so you could paint someone else's image when it's already dirty." 

I remain silent as I absorb her advice, as I continue to think of Hannah's behavior which continues to weigh heavily on my mind. My gaze looks between my mom and dad, hoping to gain clarity and guidance. 

"Sweetie, if you feel that something isn't right, it's important to trust your instincts and break off the relationship," my mom says, a warm smile on her face. "Also, focus on your classes." 

My dad chimes in, adding his perspective, "Well, now we know what is going on. It's time for you to make a choice that's beneficial for you, not for Hannah or anyone else. Do it for yourself." With those words, he excused himself and headed upstairs to prepare for work. 

After that, my dad left the dining area and headed upstairs. I glanced at my mom, who gently squeezed my hand, and I offered her a slight smile before exiting the room.

After flopping onto my bed, I grab my phone to check my notifications from friends and Hannah. To my surprise, Hannah had messaged me this morning, inquiring about my car that she spotted on the driveway. She also mentioned that my mom shooed her away when she tried to pick me up.

Damn, Mom really wants her out. I can't help but imagine her face filling with anger and upsetness. 

I text her back saying that I got my car back last night and I will be staying home today, I turned my attention to the messages from Austin, Mason, and Sophie. Each of them expressed concern and offered support. I smile as I felt their warmth and friendship. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, diverting my attention. I saw my dad peek in, his eyes searching the room until they landed on me. He spoke up with no hesitation, "I know it's not my place to pry, but the girl who helped you retrieve your car last night...the way she looks at you says something. I think you two would make a great couple." 

His unexpected comment caught me off guard, and a mix of surprise, curiosity, and intrigue stirred within me. I was about to question him, but my phone rang. He quickly left close the door, as I answer the phone. 

Hannah's voice immediately fills the line, seething with anger. "Where were you last night? Who were you with?"

"I was with a friend last night and they helped me retrieve my car so I could get to school today," I respond calmly, trying to maintain my composure. 

Hannah's voice grows more accusatory, questioning why I sought assistance from someone else. Her next question strikes a nerve, "Are you cheating on me?" 

That's it. That. Is. It. 

The anger in her tone ignites a fire within me. "Are you accusing me of cheating?" I snarl back, my frustration evident. "How can you think I'm cheating when all I've wanted is to have a talk with you? To talk about us? The situation between us? Yesterday, I try to talk to you about the topic but you avoid it and say that I will ruin the moment. Also, accusing me that I am dramatic."

Pausing to gather my thoughts, I take a deep breath before continuing, my voice filled with disappointment. "Hannah, you said you would become a better person. But how is this any better? This is possessiveness and controlling, where I don't feel respected when I ask for some time alone." 

Her voice fills with desperation as she yells, "I love you, Rachael Josephine McCracken. But I know... I know that you don't love me the way I love you." 

Confusion floods over me as I struggle to comprehend her words. "What?" I manage to ask, my voice laced with disbelief. "How can this be love when I feel trapped?" 

Her answer echoes in my ears, a painful truth that cuts through the turmoil.

"The only reason you feel trapped is because you never loved me from the beginning. You love someone else," she says, her voice breaking. 

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