The Future Of Us

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Rachael Point Of View: 

"I need to schedule you a therapist appointment," I snarled at Hannah in the cold weather, my arms wrap around my body. "I can't believe you made me wear a dress in winter! A dress! A fucking dress!"

"Babe, look-"

"Oh no, you're not going to babe me." I bark at her, in the cold. It's so fucking cold out here, and I know I should've thrown on a sweatshirt with the dress, but it doesn't match with this dress.


"What makes you think wearing a dress in the winter is a good idea?" I scold at her. "Like dude, did you saw this big hole on the back of the dress? This dress is a summer dress!"

"Here," Hannah says, taking off her jacket and put it over my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"If you're sorry, you would've thought this through," I said, putting on the jacket. Then tuck my hands in the pockets.

"Babe, I put a jacket near the bed," Hannah says as she starts the car.

"No, you didn't," I told her, and put the seat belt on. "I didn't see it."

She gives me a confused look, "I thought I put it there..."

"Well, you didn't," I snap at her, I look at her, and her eyes soften.

A small smile lingers on her lips, "You look beautiful, Rachael."

"Thank you," I whisper.

Hannah reaches over to hold my hand, and I accept her hand in mine. Her long fingers intertwined with mine, and my small fingers intertwined back at hers.

" long are your fingers?" I ask, breaking the silence between us.

"Long enough to please a woman in bed," She answered seductively, and I snicker at her answer.

"But you're bisexual," I say. "What about boys?"

"Er..." She paused for a moment to think, "To wrap around their dick?"

"Ew," I yelled in disgust. "Disgusting!"

"You asked," Hannah says, laughing her hands tighten in mine.

I glared at her before joining with her laughter. Our sound of laughter fills in my ear as Hannah continues our ride to our place.

We start talking about random things, and for one, we talked about socks. Don't ask why we just did, and we talked about the purpose of cuffs. Our continued as we enter the restaurant, and Hannah orders us a cup of water and food.

"I still think the gold dress looks good on you," She says, smiling.

I look down at my dress it's full of golden glitter sparking as the light hits them, it's a beautiful dress.

"How much does it cost?" I ask her, taking a sip from the cup.

"All that matters is that you look beautiful in it," She says, blowing a kiss at me. "How are you lately?"

"I'm doing fine. Why did you ask?" I look at her confused, as I continue drinking the water from my cup.

"Cause... Lately, you've been hanging at the football field daily. Not only that, but you've also been there daily, and you would always stare into space. When you're there alone, your face doesn't look calm or happy. You look sad like you're thinking about something. You look sad and empty, but when I meet you every time. You would always answer me with the same answer, and it's getting old. I'm worried about you, what is going on?" Hannah explained, lips pressed together, and her worried eyes look into mine.

"I-I think it's all in your head," I said hesitantly, biting my lower lip.

She put her hand on top of mine, giving me a small squeeze, "Babe, I know you're lying."

"It's nothing," I say quietly, taking another sip from my cup. My cup is only half full compared to Hannah's, which is still full.

"Babe, please tell me what is going on. Ever since we made our relationship official, things start to make you distant. Like, you've been studying for hours, and you'll try to make excuses to leave you alone..." Her voice faded around me as she continues telling me about my unpleasant action lately. I'm aware of my behavior lately, and I know she would pick it up sooner or later. I'm not trying to avoid anyone, except, I'm retracing the memories that have happened. Everything just happened so fast, a roller coaster of emotions, and a roller coaster of confusion.

My eyes left Hannah's concern face as she continues talking, except I can't hear any words coming out of her mouth. My head feels crowded with clouds, and my eyes wander through the restaurant. Everything seems out of place: my mind, my life, my decisions, my path, and my heart. Even in this restaurant, some things aren't put correctly, frames on the wall are a bit croaked, and everyone is rushing back and forth. Waitresses running back to the front and back to the kitchen, customers are stuffing food in their mouths as they talk with food in their mouths.

Until my eyes landed on a blonde, they have their back towards me, so I study their structure. Their shoulder is a bit broad, then I look down at their feet and saw heals. They're wearing a tight dress, I guess, I'm not the only one wearing a dress tonight. My heart starts to speed up within my chest, hoping it's Samantha, but when they turned around. It was a middle-aged lady, lip in deep shaded red, and I could see her wrinkles.

Damn, wrong person.

My eyes left the old lady as I continue scanning the restaurant. Unfortunately, a finger snaps in front of me, breaking my focus.

"Rachael, are you listening?" Hannah asks, her voice shows irritation. "I'm talking here."

I blink my eyes before answering her, "I'm sorry. I got carried away."

"I could see that, but listen. I want us to work out," Hannah said, annoyed, her nails dig into my skin. "Please, please, tell me what is bothering you. Are you not happy with me anymore?"

I open my mouth, but no words came out.

"When did I messed up?" She asks.

"I -" My voice cracked, and my mouth feels dry. I look down at my cup and see it empty.

"When did I messed up?" She says a bit louder, and her nails continue digging in my skin. It's getting to the point when it hurts, but I can't get my voice out.

"Please tell me. I don't want to mess up," Hannah says desperately, her nails are going to make me bleed at any moment. I swear, what kind of grip does she have?


"Stop!" I shout, finally manage to get my voice out, and I stood up from my seat. Everything stops around me, Hannah's eyes widen in shock at my sudden burst out, and everyone around us turns their attention to us. I pulled my hand out of Hannah's tight grip, and I rub the nail's mark on my skin.

"Sorry - sorry," I apologize, hanging my head low.

"Everyone nothing is interesting here," Hannah says sharply. In my peripheral vision, I saw everyone returning to where they left off.

However, one particular object caught my attention. 

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