part 4 of 14

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Angel opened her mouth and snapped it shut again. She was too embarrassed to say anything. Annette was just sitting there. Staring. It was almost like she didn't know what else to say without her sisters backing her up. Angel watched her tilt her head, first left, then right before finally speaking up.

"You looked happy." She stated simply. The little Pomeranian mix nodded and blushed even harder. After another moment of silence, Angel decided that this conversation was going nowhere.

"Where are your sisters?" She asked, attempting to change the subject.

Annette frowned, causing a crease to form on her brow. Angel couldn't help but think she actually looked a bit like her brother when she did that. That was a Scamp feature that Angel had come to notice recently. She wondered if the rest of the siblings shared this trait. Finally, the cocker spaniel cross spoke up.

"They're napping with Mom. I didn't feel like sleeping this early in the day." She sounded unsure of herself, Angel noted. As if she wasn't used to making decisions like this for herself.

"Your brother feels the same way." She tried to joke. "He woke me up practically before sunrise, wanting to go play!"

Annette laughed. "He's always been a wild thing, even when we were babies. Mom and Dad were always losing him, because he wandered off to hide in 'caves' and stuff under the furniture. He used to pretend he was a wolf." She then made a baby voice, pretending to be Scamp. 'Wolfs don't sleep at night!'

Angel ducked her head, trying to stifle a laugh while she spoke.

"Scamp? Oh yeah that sounds like him. When we were on the streets he kept telling everyone he wanted to be a 'wild dog'." Annette rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"His idea of being wild is having a stink that would knock out a hippo."

The two puppies laughed at this. Both were imagining Scamp as a wild animal. The images sent the girls into fits of giggles. After they had caught their breath, Annette looked at Angel.

"So what happened out there?"

Angel gave her new friend a puzzled look. "Out where?"

Annette rolled her eyes again. It was a good natured gesture. "Out there! On the streets. After Scamp ran away. It must have been hard, if you guys are willing to eat garbage."

Angel winced at the last sentence, but began to tell Annette the story.

Scamp's ears drooped guiltily as he followed his father out of the living room. He was certain that some punishment was under way. He was only glad that Angel hadn't been called as well. Tramp stopped, just outside of the kitchen. He turned to look down at his son. He still wore that softened look on his face, almost like he felt sorry for the boy.

"I'm not going to punish you Scamp." He sighed upon seeing his son. "I just want you to know that what you did was wrong." The older dog nodded his head towards the door way. Voices drifted out of the space, a man and a woman, talking to each other. Jim Dear and Darling.

Scamp angled his ears and crept forward to listen. He heard Darling's voice first, soft and kind.

"Jim...they're puppies. They must have been half starved out there." Scamp's belly growled, as though responding to the woman's statement. He hadn't yet had anything to eat today.

A sigh from Jim Dear. "Darling. I know that. But our home..." Jim trailed off, then tried another approach. "We have a lot of dogs, Darling. Imagine if they all broke the rules. What if that new puppy makesthem break the rules? She did it to Scamp. And he's bad enough on his own."

There was silence for a moment, then Darling answered him. Her voice was barely audible when she spoke. "We'll train her then. If things don't work out...we can take her to the shelter. Someone is bound to adopt her."

Scamp felt like the world was crashing down under his paws. No no no! He shot his father a horrified look. Tramp gazed down at his son sadly.

"It's your job to fix this."

Scamp tried to steady himself. He found that he was unable to utter a word in response, he only choked when he tried. He vaguely heard the humans in the kitchen change the subject to the new model of cars that had recently sprung up.

When the pup finally found his voice, he uttered a single word. "How..."

Tramp stood and began to walk, expecting his son to follow. The two dogs headed for the stairs. The older dog begain to climb, while the younger stumbled behind him, still unsteady on his legs, due to the shock he had recieved. Jim Dear and Darling kept all dogs! They wouldn't really make Angel leave...would they?

When they reached the top of the stairs, Tramp sat down, looking out the beautiful window at the world below. Scamp sat down beside him.

"Pops...I don't know what to do...what happened this morning, it was my fault!" He choked. "I should have stopped her, but I wasn't thinking, and-"

Tramp interrupted him. "What's done is done. All you can do now is show them that you're both reformed." Tramp got a faraway look in his eye. "I would know."

Curiousity blinked into the younger dog's eyes. He sat, looking up at his father. Tramp never talked about his past to his children. Scamp had only just learned of his father's history when he found his way onto the streets.

The Tramp continued to stare out the window, painfully silent. Right when Scamp began to think that it was going to stay this way, Tramp proved him wrong.

"It was before you and your sisters were born." He chuckled softly. "We actually found out that you four were on the way right after this happened. I was a stray, you know this already." He looked at his son for a moment, then back out the window. "There was a rat after Junior. He was only a little tike, no telling what that thing had planned for him..." Tramp trailed off in a growl, lost in his own memories. It was almost as if he was forgetting that he was talking to his son. "I had no business in this house. But Pidge couldn't deal with it on her own, she'd been tied...because of me. I had to help. I killed the rat, but the baby's room was destroyed in the fight. We knocked down the curtains...the dresser...and Junior's crib." Tramp and Scamp both winced identically at this. That was a big no. Tramp then turned to his son. "They were ready to kill me. I was being carted off to Death Row, until your mother showed Jim Dear and Darling what I had done. I escaped the pound by a hair's length."

Scamp wore a look of wonder on his face. "How'd she get you away? From the pound I mean."

Tramp chuckled softly. "You have to ask your Uncle Jock and Uncle Trusty about that one. Just remember what I said to you." He stood up with a little groan as he stretched out his legs. "You have to show the humans that you can do more good than harm in their house." With that, Tramp began to walk away, leaving Scamp to look out the window that had his father's attention.

The sight that awaited him brought a smile to his face. Darling had brought a chair out to do her knitting in the sunshine. His mother and sisters were lying in the grass outside, far below, piled comfortably at the woman's feet. Junior's small blonde head was nestled into Lady's side. All were fast asleep

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