Part 13 of 14

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Angel was again racing down the flooding streets, headed for Snob Hill. She had to get humans. At least Jim Dear. She didn't think Aunt Sarah would understand. The little dog blinked hard as she ran, trying to clear her vision. She could hardly see now through the torrent of rain pounding down.

Angel darted across a busy road, causing automobiles to honk at her angrily. She lost her footing and stumbled, skidding face first into the pavement. She scrambled quickly to her feet while an automobile with wide, wagon-like tires swerved hard around her, almost losing control in the process. Angel blinked again and shook her head hard, and with that, she was off again. Her mission couldn't wait.

Her ears perked up when she eventually caught sight of the huge Victorian houses, hardly visible through the dark and misty rain. She was nearly there. Several automobiles and horse drawn carriages were parked down the street, closer to the Darling's home. It looked like they had contacted the police. Angel could hear the panicked voices of her family and the other humans as she came quickly closer to the front gate.

All of the humans were standing on the front porch, out of the rain. Jim Dear had his arm around Darling's shoulder, trying to comfort her. She had Junior's little shoe clutched in her hands, and she was crying. Jim looked absolutely greif stricken. Aunt Sarah was poking an officer hard in the chest with one long, bony finger, asking him with a breaking voice why they hadn't found anything yet. Annette, Collette, Danielle, and Lady were milling around at the humans' feet, as if they had no idea where to go.

Jock and Trusty had arrived on the scene, and Trusty had his huge nose to the ground, trying to sniff out any trace of a scent. Jock was barking angrily, Angel could only understand half of what he was saying, as the other half was in his kinsman's tongue. He was calling curses to the dog that took Junior, wherever he may be.

Angel mustered up the breath to let out a loud bark. And another. Her chest was aching from the effort of trying to breathe, and the barking only made it worse. It worked though, all eyes were now on the little dog. Angel ran around the huddle of humans frantically, hopping in front of them twice.

Aunt Sarah's brash voice rang out.

"What does that dog want? Does it not know that we are in a crisis?" She emphasized the last word dramatically, confirming Angel's doubts that the old woman would be of any help.

Angel was beside herself? How could she make them understand? The answer hit her in an instant. Angel stopped in front of the Darlings, did a long leap, and...she had the shoe. Darling let go of it in shock, throwing her hands back.

Jim locked eyes with the small dog as she now ran back and forth, to the driveway and back to the confused humans. He was beginning to catch on.

"She's trying to tell us something! Puppy, find Junior." He commanded. "Find Junior." Angel didn't need to be told twice. She was off. She stopped outside of the driveway and barked through the shoe in her mouth, telling them to hurry.

"Come on everyone, follow that dog!" Jim said, while the confused officers climbed into their automobiles and carriages. Angel waited impatiently for them, dancing from paw to paw in her eagerness to get going. Aunt Sarah loudly proclaimed that she was staying behind to stand by the telephone in case someone called about the baby.

"Come on girl. Find Junior." Jim called again, now from the window of a policeman's automobile.

Angel took off yet again, a bit slower this time. It nearly killed her, she felt like she needed to be running as fast as possible. But she had to wait for the humans in their heavily putting vehicles. She couldn't do this without them.

She felt a small spark of hope though, as she ran. She thought of Scamp, lying unconsious in the alley, Meelus and Tramp fighting for their lives, and the frightened Junior, who didn't understand.

Hang on guys! She thought. We're coming!

Scamp felt as though he was trying to swim through thick mud. He could hardly move or even raise his head, and his eyes were filled with grit and blood, which was trickling off of a gash on his forehead. Why was his head bleeding? He could hardly remember. He knew that there were dogs fighting around him, and that Junior was there. Why were there dogs fighting in the house? His mind was drifting as well as his consiousness.

Scamp awoke fully when a heavy weight landed on his ribs, making him gasp for air. He raised his head sluggishly, seeing that a massive white something had fallen on him. The something was getting up now, lunging loudly at another something. Scamp had a brief thought that it looked like a golden-red lion.

He squinted through the blood in his eyes. Reality struck him then. He remembered where he was and why he was injured. Something to his left hit the ground with a loud smack. He dragged his leaden head around to see his father pinned on his back. One of the older dog's legs appeared to be badly broken. He was snapping at Buster, who was braced stiffly over him, with bloody teeth. Buster had the upper hand. Tramp could easily outsmart the black dog, but Buster had the advantage of brute strength, and all of it was pinning the Tramp hard into the ground.

Scamp's legs swam through the air in front of him for a while before he found his footing. The little dog stumbled heavily to his feet.

"Get offa' my dad.." He slurred of Buster's small ears swiveled in Scamp's direction, followed by his entire head. Beady, cruel eyes landed on Scamp and he laughed. His voice was choked and gurgling. Scamp then realised that the Tramp had injured him badly, his throat was torn open wide. His tan legs were soaked with his own blood, but his strength had not yet left him.

"Fine by me." He choked. "Scamparoo." With that, Buster had turned in one surprisingly fluid motion, landing on top of Scamp. Scamp lost his footing and yelped in shock and pain. He curled his lips back and growled at Buster.

He could hear his father trying hard to stand and help. He heard the thud of the older dog hitting the ground, failing to get up on his broken leg. He heard the roaring of blood in his ears, and Buster's blood soaked snarl. The black dog dipped his snarling muzzle into Scamp's face, ready to maul him.

Scamp growled weakly. This wasn't going to happen. He wasn't going to end in Buster's jaws. The dizzy little dog gathered the last of his strength and lashed into Buster's wide, wet nose with a fury vicious enough to make him throw his head back and howl.

Scamp scrambled out of his grip before the big dog could regain his composure. He was out like a flash, tearing out of the alleyway in a wobbly, sluggish pattern, but he was already far ahead of Buster. The Doberman was beginning to be affected by his blood loss. He was stumbling nearly as badly as Scamp.

"You done made your mistakes, kid! I'ma tear yous to shreds!" He gargled. Scamp swerved out of the alleyway, nearly falling in the process. He quickly regained his balance. Buster wasn't so lucky. His paws slipped off to the side and he landed loudly on the wet ground. It didn't take long for him to find his footing, though, and he was back on Scamp's tail.

Scamp had no idea where he was going. He just wanted the big dog away from his family. He glanced left and right, and seeing no devine resolution, he just kept running. He was nearly in the street now. The rain was falling harder than ever, and Scamp could hardly see his paws in front of him.

The gray pup ducked his head against the relentless storm, and darted into the road. He was almost on the other side when he saw the headlights. In the same moment that he dove for safety, he felt his left hind leg snatched back into the street in a vice grip. There was nothing the little dog could do to escape the sickening thud that followed.

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