part 5 of 14

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Annette's eyes were wide as Angel finished the tale.

"Wow...I had no idea it was that bad." She breathed. Angel made note of the fact that she didn't sound like the prissy little snob she sounded like when she was with her sisters. She sounded friendly and...real.

Angel sighed. "It's a hard life. You guys have it made here." And so do I. She thought happily. Annette tilted her head and echoed Angel's thoughts out loud.

"So do you. I'm glad you and Scamp met. Everything turned out for the better." She smiled. "I should head back to my sisters now. They'll be waking up soon and wondering where I am."

Angel had nearly forgotten at this point that Annette, Collette, and Danielle were inseperable. She nodded and said her goodbye. "Okay Annette. It was nice meeting you. And talking and stuff." Her fluffy tail wagged in a friendly way.

Annette returned the gesture. "Same to you! We should hang out sometime. This was fun." She turned to trot off with Angel calling after her.

"Bye! See you later."

Not two seconds later, Angel found herself tackled to the ground.

"Scamp!" She yipped, happy to see him return. Even if he had bowled her over. Even if she was on her back under him. He was waving his little stump-tail rapidly and whining, with his face buried into her long fur. "You okay Tenderfoot?" She asked, suddenly concerned. She wiggled away enough to nudge his face into sight with her muzzle.

Scamp looked into her light, gray colored eyes and sucked in a deep breath. His own eyes sparkled with a look Angel had seen many times before when they were focused on her. She felt a little shy right then. The gray puppy ducked his head back down into her fur and mumbled something, almost unintelligable.

Angel perked her ears instantly. Had she heard him right? "What did you say?" She squeaked, trying to find her voice.

Scamp mumbled a little louder. "I love you."

Angel's heartbeat picked up instantly. She wondered if Scamp's ears could detect the sound she was sure it was making. A slow smile appeared on her astonished face as she leaned in close to Scamp's ear and nuzzled it, whispering as best she could with her shaky voice.

"I love you too."

Wow..that happened fast! Angel thought giddily while she and Scamp shared a long nuzzle. It was totally unexpected to Angel that Scamp would return with enough courage to say such. And she to say it back!

Scamp pulled away with a wide puppy-like grin on his muzzle.

"Let's go somewhere. Just you and me." Angel hesitated, causing Scamp to tilt his head curiously. "What's the matter?"

"We don't want to get in more trouble." Angel cautioned. Scamp snorted.

"I think it'd be best if we stayed out of everyone's hair for a few hours." He stood and bounced a few steps away, then crouched down, waving his rump in the air playfully. "C'mon Angel! Let's go have some fun." Angel thought he might be hiding something behind that happy face. She quickly brushed the feeling away and stood to follow him.

"Okay...but let's not stay out for too long okay? And we should eat something first! I'm starving." This was the truth. Neither of the pups had eaten anything yet.

"Okay." Scamp huffed. He sounded eager to be off, and a little...nervous?" Hm. "Food's in the kitchen." Yes. Definitly nervous there. Angel shot her best friend a questioning look. He ignored it and started for the kitchen. Angel noted how he was dragging his paws all the way there.

What on earth...

Scamp was freaking out. He knew that she could see it. What if the humans were still in the kitchen? What could he possibly say to her to make it okay if she found out? He knew that it would break her heart if she discovered how much danger her position in the family was in. He loved her too much to let that happen. He would never let the family take her to the pound. But still...the idea was still in their heads.

Scamp took a deep breath when he and Angel finally made it to the kitchen. Moment of truth! Angel was still eyeing him funny as they stepped around the doorway. He could see a mixture of emotions in her beautiful features. Love, confusion, curiousity... Scamp turned his focus to the empty dining room table, then took a quick scan of the room. It was empty. He relaxed instantly.

His big ears swiveled back to Angel. Her stomach was growling. No wonder! It was already nearly noon. She looked a bit embarrassed when she saw that he'd noticed. Scamp decided not to acknowledge or tease her about it. He just nodded towards the row of bowls lined up along the far wall.

The pair trotted over to inspect the contents of the bowls. Scamp wrinkled his nose at the wet, brown mush. Even after spending time on the streets with virtually nothing to eat, he still found that smell somewhat repulsive.

"Not quite as apetizing as chicken a la garbage is it Tenderfoot?" Angel laughed.

Scamp nudged her playfully. "Why don't you try it and find out?"

Angel pushed him in response, sending one of his paws splatting into the bowl nearest to him.

"Hey! Look what you did!" He growled, faking an angry voice. He stretched out his dripping paw and wiped it across her muzzle, eliciting a gasp of surprise. Angel dipped her own paw into one of the bowls and grinned wickedly. Scamp began to back up, only to find that his rear paw was now in another gooey mess of dog food.

As soon as he turned to inspect his paw, he felt something wet slide down his cheek.

"Oh it's on!" He barked. "Eat SLOP!"

"Oh I will." Angel said, tackling Scamp and licking his face all over. The gray puppy wailed his protest to the world.

"Stop! Angel come on that tickles! This is not what I meant!"

Finally, the puppies fell away from each other, laughing and trying to catch their breath.

Scamp looked around at the mess he and Angel had made. There were pawprints smeared everywhere, and both puppies had clumps of food in their fur.

He stood up and began licking the food from the floor. Angel tilted her head and watched him.

"What are you doing?"

He glanced up at her breifly to reply, then resumed his licking. "Cleaning up." With this, Angel joined him, until the floor was as spotless as it had been when the pair arrived.

"You know, this isn't so bad." Angel commented after they finished. Scamp had to admit she was right. Even though the stuff stunk to high heaven, it tasted okay.

Angel stood and sighed. "And now we need another bath." Scamp groaned loudly.

"I am not doing that twice in one day!"

Angel laughed. "You will if me or Jim Dear has anything to do about it!"

"You? What are you gonna do?" Scamp said warily, locking eyes with Angel, who just smiled mischeviously.

"Well. I could either tell Jim Dear. Or I could get you washed myself."

With this Scamp took off, Angel hot on his heels.

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