part 3 of 14

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Darling's mortified voice startled Angel. She cringed into the trash, feeling Scamp do the same beside her.

This was bad. They were going to make her leave! How could she have been so stupid? Angel mentally kicked herself. Jim Dear arrived on the scene at his wife's call. He shouted a few words that Angel was surprised to hear come from his mouth. The man stomped back and forth for a while, cursing and flailing his arms towards the mess the puppies had made.

"Jim Dear..." Darling soothed. "They don't know any better."

Jim Dear stopped his angry pacing and gestured harshly at Scamp.

"That one does! He hasn't changed a bit, Darling. Not one bit."

Darling placed a hand on his shoulder. He sighed heavily and shook his head. Angel could still see the anger etched in the lines of his creased brow. She flicked one ear at the sound of Scamp's nervous laugh. Curiousity caught hold and she glanced his way. The Tramp was glaring down at his son. Annette, Collette, and Danielle were huddled behind him, wrinkling their perfect little noses in disgust.

Collette tsked and shook her head.

Annette tossed her head and prissed, "This was very unbecoming of you two. You and Angel are in so much trouble...I almost feel sorry for you, brother."

Daniel burst into a fit of giggles and simply said, "You stink!" Her sisters nodded their agreement.

Tramp opened his mouth to speak up, but Jim Dear beat him to it.

"Darling, can you call the police? I want them to know that someone is dumping trash into our yard. I'm going to give the puppies a bath. I'll be back out here to clean this...mess up later." Scamp let out a groan. Angel knew how much he hated baths. She wasn't too fond of them herself, but she had no room to object to what Jim wanted.

"Scamp! Hold still!" Jim Dear growled. Angel watched warily as the man and dog struggled with each other. Jim Dear was still in a bad mood, seeing as he had been trying to wash Scamp for a good fifteen minutes, in the process getting himself soaked. Plus he still had to clean up all that garbage. Angel winced at the thought. Everyone seemed more angry at Scamp than they were at her. She didn't feel this was fair. She'd been the first to go for the chicken! He'd only followed her lead. Angel made a silent vow to make up to him for this. Just then, a very wet Scamp ran around her, full circle.

"Come on Puppy. Your turn." Jim Dear called out softly. Angel reflected on this. Being called Puppy. The humans had yet to figure out what to call her, despite being called a 'little angel' when they'd met. She trotted into Jim's outstretched hands to be picked up for her bath. Scamp snickered under the table her tub was on.

"Oh you shut up." She barked under her breath. Jim Dear plunked her down into the cold water, which seeped into her thick fur and made her shiver. After the initial soaking, the bath went by rather quickly. She was shampooed, rinsed, and toweled off, then released to the waiting Scamp, who's fur had dried in spiky clumps. Angel thought he looked adorable.

"Come on, let's get out of here before he tries to wash off our wet dog smell!" Scamp yipped, bouncing around Angel. The sound of the door swinging open signaled to Angel without looking that Jim Dear had left to clean up the trash.

She shook off a nagging feeling of dread and bowled Scamp over when he began his sixth run around her. He let out a huff and looked up and Angel with wonder in his big eyes. He was genuinely surprised that Angel had him pinned to the ground. The feisty, playful urge to fight her best friend was replaced with a stronger desire. She looked down at him and laughed, and with a sudden burst of affection, licked his cheek softly.

Angel heard a small intake of breath from Scamp. She responded with another lick to his cheek, but stumbed off of him, landing on her tail, when she heard Tramp's voice, calling his son. Scamp ignored his father, much to Angel's surprised, rolling over and scooting close to Angel, muttering quietly to her.

"It's okay. He's in the other room."

The two shared a nuzzle. Scamp looked at Angel and wagged his little flag tail quickly. He cleared his throat, and started nervously, stumbling over his words.

"Angel...I. Uh..I wanted you to know I-

"Scamp! Do you hear me?" Tramp called again, still searching for his son.

The named puppy ducked his head and looked at Angel with a sigh.

"I gotta go to him. Angel. I..I..I reallylikeyou!" Scamp blurted the last part of his sentence as one word before taking off. Angel didn't even have time to respond. She knew what he wanted to say, and it sent her fluffy tail waving.

She flopped down on the floor with a happy sigh. The little dog began to drift off into a happy, daydreaming daze. Here she was, with a home, a family...and Scamp. She was jerked out of her thoughts when she heard a small laugh.

Angel raised her head and looked around. She spotted Annette, alone for the first time...ever? Sitting in the doorway that Scamp had run through moments before. Angel stared at Scamp's sister questioningly until she spoke. Her words sent a rush of heat through Angel's golden fur.

"I didn't know you were dating my brother."

Scamp bounded out of the room and away from Angel, feeling like he was on was so flustered, he didn't even notice Annette, who had been spying on him and Angel. He should have said it right there! That was his chance! The young gray dog snorted and shook his head to clear it. He found Tramp searching for him in the living room. The older dog and his identical son trotted towards each other on sight. Scamp decided to play innocent, knowing his father would likely want to talk about what had happened this morning. He gave Tramp a big cheesy grin and wiggled his tail. Tramp looked back down at him sternly until the pup averted his eyes.

Tramp's hard gaze softened, much like his voice when he finally spoke.

"Common, Whirlwind. We need to talk."

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