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I was so happy. Everything was going just great. This was how I had always imagined my life as being, although for many years it seemed to be going in the exact opposite direction.

Now, it looked like the life I had always wanted, was right at my fingertips.


Sheila was an absolute charm. She rarely left my arm and every time she introduced me to another of her family or another villager of the Rock, she would glow.

Every time I looked at her, I was beginning to feel more and more that she was what would make my life complete.

All that was left was for her to meet and accept Whisper.

I was beginning to feel strongly, that would not be an issue anymore.


It was around 11:30 pm that Sheila introduced me to her Grandmother and Grandfather.

She told me she had saved them for last, for a reason.

They were simply the best.

"Will, this is my Grandparents, George and Nellie Parsons."


Both of them shook my hand and then George asked me to sit down.

"You gots dat big 'ouse out at da point don't you?" George asked.


"Yes sir, I do," I said, as I sat at their table.

Sheila sat down next to me.

"Sir! Me son don't be callin' me Sir. Me name's Jarge."


"Ok, Jarge."


John and his wife Cora also were sitting at the table.


Nellie spoke up. "Do you knows 'bout da family dat used to lives there?"


I shook my head.


"I was goin' to tell Will 'bout dat before he bought the land out dere, but he didn't want to know anything 'bout it."

He turned to me.

"Isn't dat right, Will boy?"


I nodded.

"Yes, in the beginning, but ..."


Nellie continued.

"So youse don't want to know the story?"


My heart actually started pounding a little. Did someone know Whisper's story?

I nodded.

"Yes. I think I can handle the story, now."


George spoke. "Calvin Dove and he's wife Alice. Dey were da couple who lived out dere. Dey had a little girl too."


My heart was beating like crazy.

I knew the name of Whisper's parents.


George was deep in thought.

"Fer da life of me, I can't 'member dat little girl's name."

He turned to his wife.

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