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John pulled an empty chair toward me.

"'ave a seat, Will, me son."


I sat down, nodding to those present.

John, Captain Parsons and two other men. I recognized their faces, but never caught their names.


"Dis be me bruther, Colin and he's bruther-in-law, Peter."


I shook hands with all four men.


"Johnny be sayin' dat youse interested in buyin' all da land dat bes 'round youse, at da point?"


I nodded.

"I do, Colin."


He laughed slightly.

"Why be youse want dat old land. Not be gud fer nuttin'."


"So I've heard," I agreed.

"Let's just say it has sentimental value."


John spoke.

"We've talked it over Will, me son, but we can't seem to come up with no kind of decent price."


I motioned for a round of drinks and spoke to the four.

"Well. Lets do a trade then."


Peter laughed.

"A trade? What kinda trade?"


I waited until the drinks arrived and I paid for them, before continuing.

"Here is what I was thinking. You sign the land over to me or sell it for $1 or whatever is legal and I will do something special for the village."


"Well, Will, me son. We can legally sell it fer let's say one hundred dollars. Dats never been da issue Will. I means, youse has done so much fer us already, with da tractor and such. We's is jest wondering' why the hell youse wants it."


I took a deep breath.

"I heard there is a pirate's treasure buried there."


The four stared at me and then at each other and then cracked up laughing.


"I always says youse is a bit strange, Will me son," John said, slapping me on the back.

"Don't be telling' Cora I called you dat tho."


"Don't worry," I assured him.


"Okay, Will," John quipped, sitting back in his chair.

"Youse has yer own reasons fer wantin' dat land and wes all 'ppreciates dat, me son.

But now youse got me curious as to what youse wants to trade fer it."


I took a deep breath.

"Well, what about I build you a village centre. One with a, lets say, a gymnasium, where you can have a fitness centre and a place to hold dances and such."

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