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Bobby called me on my cell phone, about 30 minutes after Sheila had left.

He wanted to be sure that I was okay.


"I am fine, Bobby. Not going to say I am perfect, but I guess given the circumstance, i should not have expected anything more."


"You gonna be okay, my friend?"


"I will. Where are you and Jess?"


Bobby took a deep breath.

"We are at our own apartment."


"Are you coming back tonight?"


"Ah ... well its like this Will.

Jess and Sheila have became pretty good friends and right now ..."


I heard Jessie yell in the background.

"I am really pissed at you, Will."


Now it was my turn to take a deep breath.



"Yea," Bobby sighed.



There was a moment of silence.


"You still there, Bobby?"


"Yea, Will, boy. I am.

Look, why don't you take a little time and get settled back in. I will talk to you in a couple days."

He started whispering.

"And don't worry about Jess. She will come around.

Its just right now, she is upset, not only 'cause you guys broke up, but 'cause her new best friend is moving away."


"I understand.

Look, you go, be with your wife and I will see you soon."


"Sure thing, buddy. And it is good to have you back home, Will."


"Night, Bobby."

I lay the cell phone on the dining room table and looked around.


Was I really home?

It didn't feel like it anymore.


It was a beautiful night, so I bundled up and grabbed a drink of scotch and a cigar.

I went outside and walked to the edge of my property.

As always, there was a bit of a wind blowing in from the Atlantic.

I puffed on my cigar and looked around me.

Flashbacks of New Year's Eve came back and I realized that I was standing on the exact spot where Whisper/Jenny had fallen over the cliff and into the cold waters below.

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