Chapter One

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It was the second week of school and I was trying to get adjusted to being a Junior in high school. It was completely different from being a Sophomore. If anything it was my U.S. History class. It was just a lot of reading, nothing I couldn't get over.

I was wearing this burgundy tank top, cream colored cardigan, dark skinny jeans, and some ballet flats that matched my cardigan. Along with a necklace that matched my tank top that lung to my upper stomach.

"Philia what are you doing?" my father asked as he drove me to school. He had a slight Indian accent, only because he had lost it a little with him living in the U.S for such a long time. In some ways, he was a typical protective Indian father, and in some, he was completely irrational. Again, something I was used to.

"I'm reading for my History class, Papa." I flipped the page and kept reading.

"Why didn't you do this last night?"

"Because Papa, I had to cook dinner and then I had to shower, study for Spanish and then go over my flashcards for Human A&P." I looked over at him.

"Good girl. You have to keep it up, if not do better to get into a good college."

"Yes Papa."

We pulled up to the school. It was early, around 7:15 and I was only there so early because my father had to work. "I'll see you at 2." he waved and then told me he loved me in some Arabic language he swore I understood because he understood. All I did was say it back and started walking.

He had pulled off and then I heard another vehicle pull up. One that was never there as early as I was. This guy got out. He was tall. All he did was park, step out, put his keys in his pocket and start walking the way I was walking. "Umm.."

"Umm?" he questioned a little with a chuckle, "um what?"

"You can't park there."

"And why not?" he asked, stopping where he was.

"What are you?"

"Human. What are you? An Alien?" he laughed it off.

"I meant.. like.. year?" I was kinda shy, but I didn't want him to get in trouble. "What grade are you in?"

"I'm a senior, why?"

"Seniors park over there." I pointed over towards the parent pick-up line.

"Well I don't wanna park over there."


"Maybe I just don't want to.." he smiled a little. "What's your name?"

"You wanna know my name?" I questioned.

"Well, I am going to school with you? I guess, unless you're just dropping off your kid."


"Thea what?" he chuckled, "can I just call you Philly?"

I looked down a little and tucked some hair behind mt ear, "sure. But, Um, I gotta go."

"Oh, okay, I guess I'll see you around?" he questioned.

"Maybe.." I turned around and clutched my book and began walking.

I walked to the break area and sat down and started reading again. People started showing up, but I just tried to move away and continued to read.

"How do you wear that?" I heard that voice. I looked up and it was that guy. "You're not hot?"

"I get cold easily.."

He chuckled a little, "you're shy."

"A little."

"A little?" he laughed, "you're timid as hell. So either you've had a bad relationship that left you heartbroken or some shit, or you got like a protective ass dad."

"Typical Indian father making sure I get into a good college."

"You don't seem older than a Sophomore, why is he worried about college this early?"

"I'm a junior and I'm 16."

"You're a baby." he chuckled.

I laughed a little, "Ohhkay."

"Ah, I made you laugh."

I smiled, "you're funny."

"I get that a lot." he nodded his head, "so, what's your schedule?"

I looked up and sat up straight, "Human A&P, U.S. History, Spanish II, English III, Geometry, and then Driver's Ed."

"We got 4 glasses together. That's nice." I smiled at him without showing my teeth, and he smiled back and then looked down and nodded his head. I continued to read until I noticed people leaving. I closed my book and stood up, along with that guy. "Mine showing me where my Human A&P class is?" he questioned.

"Um, sure, why not." I put my backpack on and began walking with him. I had a few people tell me hey, including this Sophomore girl that always spoke to me. "Hey Sarah."

"Do people always speak to you?"

"Not really.." I mumbled, "I have to stop at my locker.."

"Sure." he leaned against a locker no one was next to and just kinda looked at me. I put my History book and binder in my locker, or tried to, until the guy realized I was having some problems. "Need some help?"

"Oh, no, it's okay. I got it.." I struggled a little more and then dropped the book I was holding. The guy laughed, bending down to pick it up and then handed it to me. "Thanks..."

He chuckled, "you're welcome."

I grabbed my Human A&P book and binder and then the guy stuck my history book in my locker. "Um, thanks.."

"You say thanks a lot." he laughed.

"Kinda just.. normal for me." I continued walking and then stopped where Mrs. White was standing, "um, Mrs. Whitton. This is a new student."

"Ohh, okay just go sit down for me and we'll get class started in a few." she smiled at me. I nodded my head and walked into class and took my seat. The guy took a seat beside me, and luckily it was actually a vacant seat.

"So.. what does this class teach?" the guy asked.

I turned to him, "you took the class and didn't even know what it teaches?" I asked. He nodded his head. "It's the anatomy and physiology of the human body. It teaches how it functions and what makes the human body do what it does.."

"You must be really smart.." he chuckled and leaned back in his chair. I went to say something, but then the bell rang and Mrs. Whitton came in and announced that we had a new student. And I finally learned his name: Rayan.


It was 2:05 and my Papa was running late. I don't know for what reason, but I was kinda happy. That Rayan guy came to talk to me when he saw me standing alone and he was funny.

"So you're an only child?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I got a baby brother. His name's Tay Tay."

"Tay Tay? That's on his birth certificate?" I giggled a little and tucked some hair behind my ear.

"Theophilia is on yours?" he said back.

"Point taken." I laughed a little, and at the stop sigh in front of my school, I saw my Papa's vehicle. "I have to go."

"You can't stay and talk to me?"

"My Papa's coming. I really have to go. It doesn't really like me talking to.. um, boys."

"Strict dad, huh?" I nodded my head quickly.

"Bye Rayan." I quickly walked to the curb right as he pulled up. That Rayan guy slyly smiled at me, and I tried to smile back without drawing too much attention to myself.

"Why are you smiling Philia?"

"I had a good day at school, Papa."

"That's good, my darling." he touched my cheek and I smiled some more and then we drove off. And then I saw that Rayan guy driving behind me. He had an all black, I'm guessing like 2013, Jeep. I liked it, and I wanted it.

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