Chapter Four

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The next day, my mommy took me to school because Papa was gone on business, as he usually was, and I didn't have a problem with that.

"Philia.. You'd tell me if you liked a certain someone, wouldn't you?"

"Do we have to talk about this?"

"No.. Just know, I'm not like your father. I know what it's like, okay?" she pulled up to the curb.


"Have a good day." she said as I opened the door.

I was wearing a black maxi skirt with slits on both sides, a blue jean flannel shirt, and some black flip flops. You couldn't really see the flip flops, but oh well. I saw Ray standing there. I guess he didn't know it was me because we were in a different car, but when I got out, he smiled.

When my mommy pulled away, I walked over to Ray and smiled, "hey."

"Hey to you." he smiled back and put his arm around my shoulder, "you look nice."

"Thanks." I smiled. I felt him start holding my hand and I never knew how warm and fussy that could make you feel inside until that moment. I was incredibly happy.

"You coming over today?"

"Yeah, but I really have to study for history."

"I won't be distracting, I promise." he smiled at me and I smiled at him and we just had a cute moment. I tucked some hair behind my ear with my free hand. Out of like nowhere he pulled me to him a kissed me. It was so cute, and I was still getting used to kissing and having a boyfriend and it was.. it was nice. It wasn't like anything else. He pulled away a little and just looked at me, "you coming over today, right?"

"Right." I smiled as we kept walking. He started holding my hand again and it instantly made me x10 happier than I was when I was with him. I'd never had a boyfriend, so I didn't know they made you this happy. I liked it.



"Rayan.. let me study." we were outside at break and I was sitting on the ground with my History book and Rayan kept messing me with me, in the cute way.

"You're always studying. Stand up and stand by me." he bent down and just kept pulling on on my shirt a little, "babe!" he sighed, "you're always studying. Where's my cute ass girlfriend that looks at me funny and tucks her hair behind her ear?" I glared at him, "stand up." he pulled me up.

"Rayan." I glared at him. He took my book, closing it, and then sitting it on the sitting wall, and pulling me into his chest. I kinda smiled, "you smell good." I looked up at him and smiled, and he smiled back and we had a cute moment. I felt him grab my hand and intertwine our fingers and it was just so cute. I laid my head on his chest and felt him wrap his arms around me, "you're adorable."

He chuckled, "I mean, I guess. "We stood there talking about little stuff for a little while until the bell rang to go back inside. I had Spanish II and it was a class Ray didn't have with me. But he was sweet enough to stand with me at my locker while I got my stuff, "give me a kiss."

"No." I giggled, "we're in the middle of the hallway."

"Who cares?"

"Me. What if a teacher sees? And if I get written up for PDA and my father finds out then-" he cut me off by kissing me, it was quick, but it felt like time slowed down when he did.

"See you next period." he smiled and then walked down the hallway to the Senior lockers. I had a pretty cute boyfriend.


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