Chapter Two

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As usual, my Papa dropped me off at school. As I walked to the break area, I saw that Rayan guy walking up the sidewalk. I stopped walking and waited for him.

I was wearing a red, blue, and white flannel plaid shit, skinny jeans that I rolled up just a little, and some white sandals. I usually dressed casual cute, if that's what you would call it.

"Hey." I waved a little and smiled.

"Hey." he smiled big and walked over to me, "you look nice." he looked me down, then back up.

"Thank you." I giggled a little and looked down. "Why did you get here so early again?"

"Is it a crime to want to see something beautiful?" he questioned.

"I mean, I guess the school is nice. It could use some work, but it's not te-"

"I meant you." he cut me off and chuckled, "what? no one's ever called you beautiful before?"

"Not really. People don't really notice me. But I'm okay with that."

"You're okay with not being noticed?" we started walking.

"I don't like too much attention."

"Some people need attention."

"I'm not one of those people." I looked over at him.

"Okay Philly." he chuckled a little, "so, I was thinking.." him saying that made me nervous, "I'm gonna need some help with that A&P class."

"Okay... I can help you during lunch?"

"I meant like after school help. Come over one day."

I looked at him, tucking some hair behind my ear, "I don't think that's gonna work."

"Your dad's gonna have an attack over you helping some dumb kid with a class you're amazing with?"

"You're not dumb." I stated first, "and I don't know. I could ask. Maybe if your mom is there."

"Just tell him she's there. He ain't gotta know."

"... I've never lied to my Papa."



"Wow." he chuckled, "I do not believe you. Every teenager lies to their parents."

"Not I." we finally got to the break area, and no one was there besides me and him. So I took out my binder and started doing some work I needed to catch up on and writing a few of my own notes for my history class. I heard a camera go off after a minute or two and looked up.

"Shit." he chuckled and then smiled at me.

"Did you just take a picture... of me?" I questioned.

He smiled again and nodded, "you're beautiful, so, why not?"

I smiled a little, "you really think so?" I asked shyly.

"No one's really, like really called you beautiful, have they?"

"Not really.. Sometimes, I'd just rather not have anyone stared at me.."

"Well, I'm here, now. And you just gon' have to get over it." He made me smile, and after I smiled, he smiled back and chuckled a little and scooted towards me, "so, what you working on?"


"You don't have to carry my books." I was telling this Rayan guy as he stood by my locker, "you really don't. It's okay." I took the book from him, "but thank you, that's sweet." he smiled at me. Some guy walked by us, and bumped into me and knocked the book out my hand and kinda pushed me into the locker with his shoulder. I didn't know if it was on purpose or not, but I just didn't worry about it.

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