Chapter Five

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Next Day

My mommy took me to school that morning, and my papa's visit to India was extended by another week. He was a surgeon and he was working on a serious plastic surgery case that took him to India. It was like this often. I loved my Papa, but him not being home was a lot easier on me sometimes.

I saw Rayan waiting for me with kinda a smile on his face.

"Is that the boy, Theophilia?" I didn't say anything, just kinda looked at her. "He's been here everyday I've taken you to school. He must be very fond of you." she smiled.

"Bye mommy." I got out and closed the door, then fixed my shirt. I was wearing some grayish brownish oxfords, cream colored shirts, tan colored cardigan, and some simple skinny jeans. Rayan had walked up to me, "hey."

"Baby you still mad at me?" he asked.

"No." I looked up at him, "I just wish you'd understand more about how my father and his culture works."

"I'm sorry, alright?"

"Okay.." I said as we began walking.

"No, tell me you forgive me."

I looked up at him and smiled a little, "I forgive you."

"Good." he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I couldn't have you mad at me. And now that you're not mad at me, I have a question."

I giggled, "okay?"

"There's a bonfire at my friend's house this weekend for his 18th birthday and I want you to come with me.."

I looked at him, "um.. I don't know. I have to study."

"It's just one weekend. babe."

"What is a bonfire?"

He looked at me and smiled, "all the more reason to come." I gave him a look, "think about it. Your dad's out of town, too. And your mom don't seem to mind me.."

"She kinda knows something's going on a little." I sighed, "I do want to go somewhere with you."

"Exactly, so ask your mom, and give me your answer by Wednesday."

"Okay then." I smiled, "so, you think you're ready for that test?"

"I got the best tutor ever." he kissed my forehead. "Yeah, I think imma be alright."


That Weekend

"I did tell you it was a bonfire, right?" he looked at what I was wearing, "fire, hot.."

"You think I need to change?" I looked at my pants, "into what?"

"Shorts." he chuckled.

"I don't want shorts.."

"Yes you do." my mommy smiled and stood up from her seat in the kitchen, "I bought you some a few weeks ago, but never showed you, come on." she dragged me into her and Papa's room and closed the door. "that boy is very fond of you." she smiled and then pulled some shorts out from under her bed. She handed me a pair of really dark, almost black, jean shorts. They were short, too. But I liked them. I bulled off my pants and pulled on the shorts and then looked in the mirror.

"I've never worn shorts before." I looked at her.

"Baby, I know your father is really protective, but I understand what it's like to be a teenager.. I understand dating and hormones and-"

"Okay mommy." I giggled and opened the door and looked at Rayan.

"That's better." he chuckled.

"Are they too short?" I turned around a little.

"Nah." he looked behind me, but stopped once he saw my mom, "I mean, they're fine. Just fine." he looked at my mom, "thanks for letting her come with me, really.. I appreciate it."

"I can tell you're very fond of my daughter." she smiled.

"I am." he smiled, "she's special."

"Can we go now?" I giggled and took Ray's hand, "what's my curfew?" I asked.

"Just come home safe. I trust you." she smiled.


"You're gonna be late." she pushed us out the door.

"I can't believe she didn't give me a curfew." I looked at Ray.

"More time I get to spend with you." he smiled, "come on, this is a good thing. Parents don't trust their kids to be out all night, your mom does." he looked at me, "be happy."


These bonfires were not what I really expect. It was literally, just a big fire. They were playing music, there was food, drinks, drinking, smoking, basically a party of 12-15 outside. It was fun though.

I sat on the end of the tailgate with Rayan standing in front of me with my arms around his waist and my chin on his shoulder.

"Want some?" this guy walked over to Ray with a joint in between his fingers. It was already lit because I saw where he had came from while he was smoking it. "There's more where it came from." he teased.

Rayn chuckled and took it, took a long drag on it, then turned around me to, "want some?"

"I've never smoked before.." I sat all the way up. Ray turned around and faced me.

"I ain't gon' force you to do nothin', but there's nothin' to it, really. You just take it and-" I took it and did was he had just did and then blew out the smoke. "That was sexy." he chuckled. I laughed a little, then did it again and handed it back to Ray.

"Ya'll keep that one." his friend laughs and patted his back.

"I can successfully say I've smoked weed, now?" I questioned.

Ray chuckled and nodded his head, "yeah." he smiled, "so, you havin' fun, or you bout ready to go?"

"No, I'm having fun. A lot actually. I wanna stay." Ray took a drag and blew some smoke up so it wouldn't go in my face.

"I'm glad." he smiled, "now come here." he pulled my face to his and kissed me. I could tell this was gonna be a fun night.

"Ya'll can go to my room if you like." his friend laughed.


"Ray.. Ray.." I made him stop trying to unbutton my pants, "we can't.."

"How come?" he panted, "you got my dick harder than college level geometry.." he smiled and kissed me again, then unbuttoned another button, but I stopped him.

"I know, I know. It's just a lot for one night.. I can't just-" he kissed me to shut me up and unbuttoned another button then started pulling down my shorts. "Rayan.." I swallowed, "just stop, okay?"

Ray looked at me, sighed, then zipped his pants back up, "Okay." he stood up and buttoned his pants, "you ready to go?"

I sat up in the bed, "are you mad?"

"No," he laughed a little, "it's just that.. I'm kinda used to that by now.."

"Used to what?" I asked, finding my shorts. "Sex? You're used to sex by now?"

"I ain't mean it like that, babe."

"There's a lot of stuff you 'don't mean'.." I looked at him and buttoned up my pants, "yeah, I'm ready."

"Baby, wait." he pulled my arm, "I ain't mean it how you thought I meant it. We can wait as long as you want, that don't matter. It's just different, but I'm okay with it.. cause it's you, and you deserve it. Alright, now please, don't be mad at me.."

"You're sweet." I kinda smiled, "thank you.. I mean.. if it does happen, I'd want it to be with you.. I'm just not ready.. We haven't been dating for long.."

"I know." he smiled and gave me a kiss, "and you deserve all the time in the world."

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