Chapter Three

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"Wow, your house is pretty." I said as we walked in. It was a simple, cute, one story house, but the inside was bigger than you'd think it was just by looking at the house from the outside.

"Thanks." he chuckled.

"Where's your mom?"


"No one's here?" I questioned as I followed him through a maze of hallways to this room. I'm guess it was his. It looked like a typical boy room, but neat. "This your room?"

"You ask so many questions." he sat his backpack down on the floor. "Sit your stuff down."

I sat my backpack and purse down next to his stuff and followed him back through the maze and into the living room, and into the kitchen. "It looks like your mom does a lot of cooking.."

"She owns her own bakery."


"Yeah." he chuckled and threw me a Gatorade and a bag of chips and walked out the kitchen, so I followed him, once again, through the maze and into his room, "sit down."

"On your bed?"

"Yeah, where else? You've never been over to someone's house?"


"Really?" he chuckled, "never?"


"Okay, I need to know more about you." he laughed and sat on the bed, Indian style, and I did too, directly in front of him. "what's your full name?"

"Theophilia Shalom Embahimi. You?"

"Rayan Lane Lopez. Yeah, doesn't sound as cool as yours." he laughed, which made me laugh. "Alright, um, favorite color?"

"Purple, you?"

"Hmm, same. You got a nice taste in color." he smiled, "Special talent?"

"Shopping." I giggled.

"Same." we laughed together. "When did you have your first kiss?"

"Never.." I tucked some hair behind my ear.

"What? You've never had your first kiss? I don't believe you. Next thing you're gonna say is that you never had a boyfriend."

"I already told you I never had a boyfriend." I tried to laugh it off.

"What? Are you a virgin too?"

"Yes.." I looked around, "aren't you?" I asked.

He laughed and shook his head, then took one of my chips, "not by a long shot."


"I mean, I'm not like a hoe or anything. But lik-"

"How many?"

"How many girls have I slept with?" he questioned. I nodded my head, "Like.." he made a face, "four or five.."

"Oh.." I got off the bed and grabbed my book from my backpack, "Let's study, shall we?" I opened the book.

"Why'd you change the subject?"

"No reason." I lied, "okay, anatomy structure."


"You can't seriously be mad because I'm not a virgin?" we weren't arguing, but we were kinda arguing.. I guess.

"I'm not. I said it was nothing." I continued to look in my book.

"Then look at me.."

I glanced up at me, then back down, "I just thought you were the type to like someone for more than just... that."

"I didn't date them to have sex with them. I liked them, all of them."

"You don't just like someone and then have sex with them. You're suppose be married or at least love me." I shook my head and kept looking in the book.

"You said me." he smiled.

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did! Now I know why you're so mad.. you like me, too!"

"Tuh, no I don't." I chuckled it off.

"Prove it. Kiss me."

"I'm not wasting my first kiss on you."

"If you didn't like me, you'd just kiss me and get it over with."

"And what type of sense does that make?"

"A lot. Kiss me and then all this will go away and we can continued to study." he smiled.

"I would but I don't really know how.." I tucked my hair behind my ear, "can we get off this subject, please?"

"I'll teach you. Come here."

"You're idiotic."

"Come here, now." he demanded. I sighed, and sat a little closer. "Just follow my lead, alright?"

"What?" I questioned right before I felt his lips on mine. Was this what I was missing out on? Because goodness, it was pretty amazing. I did what he told me to do, and just did what he did. I felt his hand on my back, scooting me forward until I got up and sat on his lap. I felt his tongue in my mouth and my eyes got big, but I closed them again. It felt weird at first, but it got kinda fun, teasing each other.

I felt his hand reaching up my back and touch my bra, that's when I stopped, "I can't do this."

"Do what?"

I panted, "I can't be like the other girls you've had sex with. I'm no-" he put his finger over my mouth.

"Shutup." he smiled and kissed me again.

"Wait." I pulled away, "this means you like me, right?"

"A lot." he smiled and kissed me. It was amazing. Just sitting there. Kissing him. I felt so free.

"Wait." I pulled away again.

"Dammit, what?!"

I tucked some hair behind my ear, "what does this mean?"

"It has to mean something?"

"I thought it did. When you kiss someone I think that kinda means something... Especially for me."

"What do you think it means?"

"I don't know. What do you think it means?"

"I think it means I really like you and I really hope you'd give me the awesome opportunity to be your first boyfriend."

"My Papa can't know..."

"He doesn't have to."

"Are you sure?"


"Rayan.. I don't wanna be like one of those 4 or 5 girls.. I'm not.. I'm not ready to have sex.."


"Okay." I smiled and gave him a kiss. I liked kissing. It was fun.



"Rayan.. I have to go." he kissed me again, "okay maybe just one more." I let him give me a kiss. "Or a few." I smiled and he grabbed my face and kissed me. For a few seconds, we just sat in his truck and kissed each other, "okay, okay." I pulled away, "I really have to go." I giggled a little.

"Alright, fine." he sat back, then sat back up and kissed me again.

"Thank you." I smiled after I closed his door. He leaned over the passenger's seat just enough to kiss me. I looked back at my house, making sure all the windows didn't look funny.

I waved, and then he drove off and I was just thinking of the amazing day I just had.

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