Chapter Eight

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Theophilia's POV

I laid in the bed and looked at Ray as he pulled sweats over his boxers, a hoodie over his regular old t-shirt, and the he stopped, looked at his shirt, looked at me, and pulled his hoodie off and his t-shirt, leaving him in an undershirt.

He lightly threw them both onto my covers and smiled, "keep them."

"It's cold outside." I sat up slowly and covered my chest with the covers.

"I have plenty more, I won't miss it. Besides, you need something to smell when I'm not here." he smiled and came and sat on the bed and touched my cheek, "you sure you want me to leave?"

"My mom's gonna be home in like 20 minutes, I was gonna hop in the shower.. You need to go ahead and get home." I rubbed his leg. He nodded his head, stood up, then bent down and I thought he was gonna kiss my lips, but before he'd kiss me, he opened his eyes, smiled, then kissed my forehead.

"Ray.." I whispered before he took the last step out of my room. He came back and lifted his eyebrows, "I love you.. and I'm happy it was with you."

"I love you too.. See you tomorrow.."

I could hear him jogging down the steps, and I could hear him pick up his keys. I heard him shut the front door, and moment later, I heard him drive off.

My phone dinged, and I smiled and turned over to it. It was Ray.

"You're perfect" it read. No emojis, no punctuation, nothing.

It was one of the most meaningful messages I'd ever received.


I sat at the dinner table and ate with my mom and smiled ever so slightly every now and then thinking about Ray and the hour or so we had earlier in the evening.

"Why so smiley?" my mother asked.

I looked at her and smiled even bigger, "Ray and I got back together."

"Ahh, that explains it." she said, that Jamaican accent coming through perfectly, "are you gonna tell papa this time?"

"Papa doesn't understand how I feel about it. The only thing he's worried about is the college I get into. He doesn't get that.." I looked up at my mother, "that I love him."

"That's a strong word."

"It's a strong feeling too.. And I know he's the first boyfriend I've ever had but mommy he's so amazing. We go together perfectly," I smiled, 'we argue about dumb things and then we just look at each other and get happy again.. Mommy, he's perfect."

"Well, you know he's gonna ask, what's his major?"

"He doesn't know.."

"Your papa isn't gonna like that answer."

"Well, he likes art. He's an amazing painter and drawer."

"So he's gonna go to a college of Arts?"

"I don't know.. It's a hard decision."

"Well," she stood up with her plate, "tell him I hope he figures it out."

That night I went to bed happy and thankful.


"How you feeling?" Ray asked after he gave me a hug, "I ain't hurt you too much, did I?" he chuckled.

I looked up at him, "it's not funny.."



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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