Chapter Six

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November 15th

The day Ray and I had our first real fight. Like, legit fight.

We hadn't talked to each other in two days and I was beginning to think he didn't care about how much what he said hurt me feelings.

I wasn't a Muslim like my father, but I respected everything that came with him being Muslim. From the praying, the language he'd speak, the fasting; I'd even cook his meals and made sure to include his dietary requirements in each one.

My Papa was very special to me.

I was cooking dinner for mommy and papa. It was about 6:30 as I cooked the potatoes on the stove when the doorbell ring.

"Theophilia, get the door sweethart."

"Yes Papa."

I put down the spatula and looked out the peephole and panicked, "Theophilia, the door."

"I am." I slightly opened the door, "yes?"

"Open the door, I need to talk to you."

"I can't."

"Philly, I'm serious... Please."

"Theophilia, who's at the door?" he stood up and began walking over to the door.

"Your dad's home?" he panicked, too.

"I didn't think you'd show up here." I whispered.

"I'm sorry." he whispered and then my papa opened the door all the way.

"What's your name?" he looked at Rayan, then at me.

"Rayan Lopez... I'm a.. a friend of Phi- Theophilia... from school.."

"Come in Rayan, we don't bite." I heard my mom chuckled.


"You insulted my father's religion when you don't even participate in your own religion as you should!"

"So now you're insulting my Christianity? No one's a perfect christian! What about your religion?"

I sat on the couch, irritated and feeling defeated, "I don't know.. I'm sorry.. This is not gonna work, Ray.. You didn't talk to me for two days!"

"You told me to leave you alone!"

"That doesn't mean don't talk to me!"

"Then what does 'leave me alone, don't talk to me' supposed to mean, Philly?"

I sighed, "you didn't even try talking to me at school.. For two days you acted like I didn't exist."

"I thought you needed space."

"I needed you to understand. My father's religion is very dear to him. It's the only thing he has known since you was a kid."

"How is beating your wife if she does a single thing wrong a religon?"

I got angry, "my father has not ever laid a hand on my mother in the slightest way possible and I resent that you even brought that up!"

"Is that not what Muslims do?"

"Oh, so I guess now you're going to associate 9/11 with my father's nationality and religion, too, huh? I want you to leave." I went to open the door and stood there, "now."

"Philly, I-"

"You are of the upmost of ignorant and I do not want to speak to you again." I clenched my teeth because I wanted to cry, "leave."


"Leave!" I yelled. Ray stood up and walked towards the door, but stopped once he got to it.

"I'm sorry Ph-"

"It's Theophilia."

"Theophilia." he nodded. He pulled my head to his and went to give me a kiss, but I turned my head. He looked at me, then plaaced a kiss on my temple and then left.

I closed the door and turned around and wiped the tears from my eyes and sighed deeply. I sniffled, to try and make myself not feel like I had lost something that was so important to me, but I couldn't.

"Theophilia?" I heard my mom's voice. I looked up and she looked at me and seemed almost as sad as I was, "baby?"

"Mommy.." I went to hug her and just started crying, "mommy.."

"Oh sweetie, don't you cry."

"Mommy I really liked him."

"Liked who? That boy." I heard the slight Indian accent coming out my Papa's study. "You should not be worried about boys, Theophilia. School work, then college, and then maybe a few years after that you can worry about boys."

"Danta!" my mother gasped, "are you going to ignore your daughter's feelings?"

"She does not know feelings. She is still a child."

"I am 16, Papa." I wiped my eyes, "and I liked him.. I really liked him." I sniffled, "I've been doing school and seeing him and my grades have not slipped the slightest bit. I'm a good kid."

"And you will stay that way." he took off his glasses and looked at me, "I'm not very hungry, I'm going to go to bed. He kissed my forehead, "Ana behibek." he whispered.

"Ana behibak." I whispered back and looked at him, "goodnight Papa."

"Needs a little work. You say it with an English accent."

"Papa.." I laughed a little then got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight."

"Laylat al-khair (goodnight my love)" he said and kissed my mother's forehead, then began walking upstairs.

I thought a little more and then looked at my mom, "I really liked him, mommy.."

"Sweetie, he'll come around." she pulled away from our hug, "they always do and if they don't, their stupid."

I smiled, "do you mind finishing up? I'm tired and just wanna sleep."

"Goodnight." she kissed my forehead.

When I got to my room, ,I just cried my eyes out. I hadn't cried this much in forever because nothing really made me sad. I kept to myself and I didn't have a boyfriend. And then I got one and realized how amazing it was for someone to care about you so much.. And then I lost him.

I was listening to my music, trying to cheer myself up, but it didn't work. Every time I clicked to my home screen I saw the picture of Ray and I sleeping that his mom took one time I was at his house.

We were great together. I still liked him...

I loved him.

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