1: The Office

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Chapter 1: The Office

*Belle's POV*

The office was as hectic as ever today. One of the new interns spilt hot coffee on a Dr.'s pants, causing him to cry out in excruciating pain. That wasn't the end of all this horror; he then knocked over not one, not two, not even three, but four different cleansing stations. Cooling agents and cleaning fluids were all over the floor in the back of the office. I work at an orthodontics office. Well...not really work. My dad is the owner and head Dr. so I stay here for most of my summer, helping out with making appointments and being a sort of assistant to all of the staff. Basically, I was the office's bitch.

"Belle, honey do you mind telling the patients about this little" Ryan, one of the Dental Hygienists asked while shifting his stare to the intern giving him an angry, yet understanding look, "mishap?"

I groaned walking out into the waiting room. I've always loved our waiting room. It's full of fish tanks and several colourful fish; we just got an eel in the other month! We also have a whole bunch of...heads around the room. They aren't real, just plastic heads of all different kinds of animals, but they're absolutely adorable. All of these animal heads are mounted on the walls and they all have braces on their teeth. There is a hippo, monkey, a family of giraffes, bears and even a lion. My dad has a thing for animals I guess, as it is the theme for the Orthodontic office.

I cleared my throat, gaining the attention of the 10 people in the room. "Hello, we here at Orthodontics London would like to apologize for the long wait you've been patiently going through. If you need to reschedule, you may see Mary Anne or Delia at the receptionist counter. Again, we are greatly sorry for the wait," I said in my evident "American Accent" as professionally possible. I smiled and turned on my heel to go back into the other room. I'm not from England, let alone this continent. Everyone always assumes I am from the United States, but they're wrong. I am Canadian, and probably the most proud Canadian in the UK. My father saw moving to the UK as a good business move because, and I quote, "They all need help. Most of them have the worst teeth I've ever seen, and I've seen some pretty God awful teeth." I chuckled at the thought of him saying this because, for the most part, their teeth were just about the same here as they were anywhere. Well, there were a few outstanding patients that were pretty bad, but hey, they were born that way.

"I don't care what happened, I have an important meeting soon and I need to be there, without these metal things on my teeth, do you know what they'd think of a manager with braces on? That's right, not well!"

I looked at Delia who look flustered trying to deal with a patient that had gotten out of hand. I calmly walked over to him, placing my hand onto the desk between him and Delia. I breathed in deeply and began, "Hello sir, I hear you have some important business to attend to?" He nodded while giving me a stern look.

"Well, I believe that there is one free chair that we could get you into, get the brackets off your teeth and you could be on your way, would that work out Sir?"

He looked at me amazed and composed himself before replying with a nod, then looking at Delia and saying, "It's sad that a 16 year old girl can do something you cannot. Absolute rubbish."

A dental assistant led him into the other room and I hugged Delia knowing that she had no idea that there was a free chair, or what she was able to do. She's probably the sweetest lady I know and I hated seeing her being treated this way. I mouthed, "I'm so sorry" to her and marched into the room with the rude man.

"Ted, this man needs to be out of here fast, so don't hesitate to do this as quickly as possible, even if you'll cause him pain" I muttered the last part under my breath so that only Ted could hear me.

This was definitely all too much for a 16-year-old girl to handle; I excused myself from the office and walked into the corridor, strolling over to the washrooms. I leaned against the wall looking into the mirror ahead of me. My brown hair was straight and falling over my shoulders, covering half my face. I placed some hair behind my ear as I stepped closer to the mirror. I analyzed my face, taking in all of my flaws and how I tried so hard to cover them up with make-up. I glanced into my own eyes; they are the only part of my body that I find pretty. They're brown, but light and I have long eyelashes and my eyebrows were always done to a T. They sparkled in the hallways lighting, but I my focus made its way from my eyes to my chest, to my stomach, to my thighs and ended at my ankles. I winced and tried not to get upset but it was hard.

I hated my body. I had large boobs, but they were too big sometimes, and my stomach wasn't flat and toned, I had a slight bump there. My thighs, oh God my thighs, or shall we call them tree trunks? Finally, my thick ankles, its not like my ankles could be changed however, they were always big, comes from my Grandmum. People tell me all the time that I'm not fat. I have fat, that's the problem. I want to be like my friends and be able to wear a bikini during the summer and feel beautiful.

I covered my face and heard mumbling coming from the office as I peeked and saw almost everyone had left now. I shook off the bad vibes and walked back into the room, smiling at everyone that looked towards me. There was only a mother and her son sitting in the room now, and they looked content with sitting there, waiting for their name to be called. I smiled at them and handed the lad a little charm from the front desk and he returned the smile.

"Ey, darlin don't worry too much. It's jus' an interview! The doctor just wants 't take a look around," a small blonde lady said as she walked into the office waiting room. Behind her trailed a teenage lad, most likely around my age. Her accent didn't seem to fit in quite right here, causing me to be intrigued to listen further.

"Yea mum, I got ya," the lad said while keeping his eyes glued to his shoes like they were the most amazing things he'd ever seen. I watched the lad as he solemnly sat into one of the chairs as his mom checked in at the front desk. He was wearing a knitted sweater that looked to be homemade, and dark jeans with run down sneakers. His hair looked to be naturally dirty blonde because only the tips were bleach blonde, it looked really good though. He looked up at the fish swimming around in the tank. That's when it happened. I caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were the most magical shade of blue anyone could imagine. They put the clean fish tank's pure blue sparkling water to shame. They were absolutely stunning. He must have noticed me staring because he looked over and I hid behind a wall.

"Oh good grief," I whispered to myself. I peeked at him from behind the wall, his cheeks were flushed and bright red, it was slightly adorable. I chuckled and slid back behind the wall.

"Oi, I hear you're getting braces soon?" I turned around to see Ryan standing behind me. He was about 21 and one of the most attractive men I've ever met. He had green eyes, short brown hair and could actually pull off the "5 o'clock shadow" look.

"Yea, actually. My dad finally agreed! I'm so excited, I cannot wait to have a beautiful smile," I replied with the biggest of grins spread across my face. He took two steps closer to me so we were only about a foot apart now.

"I've always thought you have a beautiful smile!" He exclaimed putting his hand on the wall behind me right above my left shoulder. I blushed the deepest shade of red and ducked out of his reach. Something about him always makes my heart race, so I needed to get out of there fast. I walked into the waiting room, and to my surprise the blonde lad was still sitting there, and gave me a toothy grin as I walked past. I smiled back, blushing and making my way to the exit. Today was hectic, I really wanted to go home.

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